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people think yaoi is bad...? (5)

1 Name: unknown : 2015-11-18 14:27 ID:zHOzQ0M1 [Del]

i would like to know why people think yaoi is bad? I have a friend and she like this stuff... i saw yaoi and I did not think it was bad or good... i would like people to put there opinion about it... is it bad for anime or bad for anybody? i would also ask, for girls who like yaoi, Dose that make girls lesbian?

2 Name: Enigami : 2015-11-18 14:31 ID:1YdhW3bo [Del]

Pretty sure yuri is lesbian. At any rate, life takes all kinds, so I'm indifferent to this stuff.

3 Name: Ventusleone : 2015-11-18 14:43 ID:O6Bjvolz [Del]

If it is a healthy relationship i have nothing against it. Personally i prefer stories and epic quests over romance and i can't stand fan-service, so it is not my thing. But if you like it then good for you. Just try to keep it healthy and don't glorify abuse, rape or anything like that, But that is the same for straight couples as well.

4 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-18 14:46 ID:Px44HMW4 [Del]

Is yaoi bad? No, it is not. Saying yaoi is bad is like saying gay porn is bad. I'm a straight male and I am disgusted by yaoi. Why? Because it's illogi al for a heterosexual person to be interested in homosexual things. It does not it mean it is bad. I like yuri but it does not prove that yuri is bad or good. It's not like homosexual anime/manga/hentai is hurting anybody. It is simply a matter of whether you like it or not.

Also, could you please explain your ludicrous reasoning for why you think girls could be lesbian if they like yaoi?

5 Name: Neko : 2015-11-18 15:28 ID:2CJ/1XXi [Del]

As someone who loves Bl, I'll just say this. They probably think it's bad because there are some which are purely porn aimed at servicing fans. Which are not even good porn, by the way.
Also, for the anime, it's mostly what I just said. They take out the romance part and make it seem like ALL BL is like that, but a lot of the manga are soooooo romantic (way better than shoujo manga, even). Just bad advertising.