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Brother's best friend? (13)

1 Name: Mingkki : 2015-11-18 14:05 ID:eJ1Zja+P [Del]

Okay. So, I have a big brother who is like 6 older than me, and I'm right in the age ( I'll be 17 next week ) to start hanging out with them and have fun in their way ( yes, that includes drinking alcohol but I'm not much into it. I can handle it pretty well, duh ). So, I've known his friends for a long time, and there is one who I get along with really-really much.
Lately we started talking on facebook, too, not just when we met in real life, and we're basically texting each other all the time.
We're even planning to go the gym together next week.
I'm kind of starting to like him 'that' way, but one problem is that he's older (5 years age gap, not too much but still, at my age it is ), and I really don't believe my brother would be into this thing. I mean, he has a really strong friendship with that guy and he had never ever said anything wrong about him, thought he's a kind of 'hater', but still, I'm his little sister and I don't know how big bros handle this. I don't really want to tell my brother about how I feel. I mean I trust him 100%, but if things go wrong, I don't want him to know about it.
So what am I supposed to do?
( If there are any boys here with a little sister, could you tell me how you'd feel if this happened? Thank you xoxo )

2 Name: Ventusleone : 2015-11-18 14:50 ID:O6Bjvolz [Del]

I am a girl so i can't help you on the "how will my brother react" front, but the age-gap is not that bad. My mother was 15 when she met my dad who was 21. They got together and has been happily married for at least 20 years now, and nobody even gives the age-gap a second thought. I wish you good luck ^_^ Drink responsibly and be happy.

3 Name: Mingkki : 2015-11-18 14:59 ID:eJ1Zja+P [Del]

Thank you^^
And of course I'm only drinking once in a while, and only to feel good but still know my limits. I'm a teenager after all, so in that way it is pretty normal, I guess.:D
I don't really believe I'll have a story like your mother has but I wish :D It's really cute ^-^

4 Name: Boric : 2015-11-18 15:26 ID:YcpwmC1X [Del]

I'm male with a younger sibling that has a 6 year age gap as well, but he is also male. So I'll be lacking the younger sister aspect of this.

If my younger brother were to want to date one of my friends, I don't think that I'd be ok with it, But if it does mean a lot to him, he is still his own person. I can't control what he does with his life. Though if he were to let me know before hand, I think I'd be more willing to accept it because he showed respect for how I'd feel about the situation.

I hope this helps a bit.

5 Name: Algernon D.F. !jVyhJ08Yxg : 2015-11-18 17:31 ID:dIL+8/QY [Del]

I can provide the "has a little sister argument"! yaaay but she is still very young so..Maybe in a few years I can tell you this from experience.
But about your story it's just what people have already said, have fun and don't harm yourself/others.
If you're concerned about it you should talk to your brother's friend first about it and then he can talk to your brother about it.
5 year gap? I've known people with a 20 year gap so don't worry about it.

6 Name: Mingkki : 2015-11-19 10:03 ID:TFFmY0/F [Del]

Thank you all! I can't say how grateful I am for your comments. xoxo

7 Name: Boric : 2015-11-19 11:21 ID:YcpwmC1X [Del]

Your welcome, and best of luck to you.

8 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-19 15:06 ID:UAmlF3l7 [Del]

Does the guy even like you in that way? Make sure otherwise you getting nervous about your brother would have all been pointless.

Also, make sure the dude's not just trying to get in your pants. If that was his motive all along, I'd applaud him for making you feel this way about him. Texting more than one girl 'all the time', at the same time, isn't actually all that difficult.

If you are sure he likes you back and you both want to be in a relationship, then I'm afraid I can offer no more advice. Good luck with life.

'Tis a good moon

9 Name: Aiji : 2015-11-19 15:56 ID:x4J9Pta0 [Del]

Hey, I can provide some insight from an older brother standpoint. My little sister may not like anyone right now, but in the past she did like some of my friends and it didn't always end in the best of ways. Lots of toes were stepped on and I ended up losing a friend or two over some of the stuff that happened.

All I'm trying to say if be careful. While I don't hold a grudge against her, I did get angry and my her and my friend as they never talked to me about it and tried to do things in secret.

If it seems like he is serious and so are you, make sure first then talk to your brother about it. Even if he doesn't like it, he should love you enough to respect what you think is best. He probably won't be able to stand being around the guy for long periods of time but that is something he will have to deal with in the end.

By God's speed.

10 Name: Haikami : 2015-11-19 19:54 ID:L/gTJH+l [Del]

First ask your brother what he feel when you have boyfriend because every brother is diffrent, second you need to know your crush feeling, third good luvk

11 Name: Mingkki : 2015-11-20 04:32 ID:TFFmY0/F [Del]

Thank you guys, you don't even know how much these advices and wishes mean to me =3

12 Name: Mingkki : 2015-12-06 12:55 ID:TFFmY0/F [Del]

Hello, it's me again, I just didn't want to create another thread to this topic, so here I am with a kind of 'update' and another small problem I encountered lately.
So, I'm still talking even more to this guy, and not too far ago he told me that he is kind of looking me in that way. I mean he didn't really say it like this but the meaning was that.
So yes, that's kind of strange right now, I still haven't talked to my brother.

What bothers me is that the boy I like talks to me in a totally normal way since he said he "liked" me. Nothing flirty or cute or romantic.
This afternonn I went to his house and we watched a moovie together, which I was afraid of because of a bad experience, but nothing happened and now it kinda bothers me.
I know I have too many problems and right now I'm planning to ask him straighforward what he really wants, but if possible, I wouldn't, since he's a guy I reall-really don't want to lose.
Do you have any ideas how to make him realise what I want? I'm not really good in making boys go crazy.;w;

13 Name: Rykero : 2015-12-06 15:38 ID:CLrVqYgF [Del]
