Dollars BBS | Personal

















1 Name: !!XI8GEi6V : 2015-11-17 23:31 ID:v0rcXq9S [Del]

I really need it. Motivation. For what? I need it for everything, to keep going. Honestly (though it may sound stupid) I need a lot for school right now. How do I avoid procrastination? I am not where I want to be right now!SO if you can, I would like some methods that you know of. I just want to be able to do a good job. I'm not stupid, at least I don't think I am, I know my stuff and all but..Yeah well, help me ot if you can I guess

2 Name: Neko : 2015-11-17 23:48 ID:HDBRokyz [Del]

motivation stems from aspiration, so it's not just something you can make up on the spot.
But if you want some tricks
Use the reward / punishment system. Like if you study for an hour you give yourself.a chocolate or jelly or whatever, but if you fail, 30 push-ups or something like that. Also take a 5 minutes break every 20-25 mnutes.

3 Name: !!XI8GEi6V : 2015-11-18 01:36 ID:v0rcXq9S [Del]

Thanks, I'll try it out!

4 Name: LiMe : 2015-11-18 02:35 ID:8N560/86 [Del]

same goes here.. im so lazy.
that wouldn't work for me

5 Name: Boric : 2015-11-18 09:05 ID:YcpwmC1X [Del]

For me, my motivation comes from my outside motivation. I'm the middle child of three, and my older brother failed so set a good example for me, pretty much wasting several years of his life going nowhere. So now I'm set to be the good example for my younger brother. Find what drives you. What will make the work worth it to you? If you can find that, motivating yourself to do better is much easier.

6 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-18 11:11 ID:wFfyQoJP [Del]

Give yourself an easy-to-achieve dream. Dream for money. So you work for money in the future. Motivation to give yourself a good life and have the needs to provide for a family, assuming you want one


Become paranoid of being homeless and having no life. Use the fear of having no future as motivation.


7 Name: Guardian : 2015-11-19 10:45 ID:QcC84Ewd [Del]


8 Name: DJ Babe : 2015-11-19 18:44 ID:mi8OM7K/ [Del]

When it comes to simple tasks, it can sometimes be really hard. Think to yourself, "Is this task really as bad as I am making it seem?"
You mentioned that you need more school but what for? You have dreams to achieve and that is why you are attending school now, so try to use that as a motivation.

Set goals for yourself and try to visualize what it is like to achieve them or to fail them. Would you rather cope with the feeling of failure or the celebrate with the glee of success?

Not everything has to be perfect. Trying your best is sometimes all you need to do something.

Planning. Write it down, make a schedule, set reminders. Something that will let you know what you need to do. I set a schedule for my days, if it is doing nothing. Such as going to the gym, taking my brother to school, and going to work. They are usual everyday tasks, but putting them in my phone makes me feel as if though I must fulfill them with my full effort.

Always remember, Nothing is achieved by doing nothing. Something is achieve by doing something. Hard Work Pays Off.

9 Name: Placebuu !SWrWW9Ituc : 2015-11-19 20:22 ID:7hRLO/Wc [Del]

10 Name: FREDIRQ !MKDuXHJNdI : 2015-11-19 21:26 ID:VsfyVyN2 [Del]

Go out of your way to do somthing awesome, Just once. Doesn't matter if it's something like starting a food drive, or just WWD-40'ing every door in your house, or even getting out of bed and showering on time. When you get the ball rolling, you get to the point where it takes more motivation to not do anything than to do it.