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Here is a List of the Things that Bother Me With Life (3)

1 Name: Kazu : 2015-11-17 14:12 ID:AGApmY0G [Del]

I don't want to go on a rant rampage, but I would like to get some things off of my chest. So here is a list of things that bother me with life currently. Both personally, socially, locally, and globally.

- I hate that I work harder than most people, and get paid the least in my office.
- I hate that I want to be with my girlfriend, but I can't stand being in relationships.
- What't happened in France scares the hell out of me.
- I wish I took school more seriously.
- I hate that people try to rush to get on the train in mornings, and I end up squeezed next to Fatso McStinky Pants almost every morning.
- I hate that I contribute to the last thing I've listed
- I hate that girls only see value in me when I have a girlfriend
- I hate that I am working like eight jobs, and only getting paid for one.
- I hate that I make less than enough to live and have to live with my parents.
- I wish I was able to take all of ISIS (or any terrorist regime) out by myself.
- I wish I was Goku or Naruto or someone who could easily do that.
- Finally, I hate black liquorice... I FUCKING HATE black Liquorice. I hate the way its spelled, the way it tastes, the way it looks, the way it makes Jaegermeister taste, etc.

Thanks for reading, please contribute!

2 Name: Enigami : 2015-11-17 15:13 ID:1YdhW3bo [Del]

Did it help you to get some of these out in the open? I hope it did.

3 Name: Kazu : 2015-11-17 17:38 ID:0CMAqwms [Del]

It did, I wrote an anonymous letter too, and that helped a lot. Please join me in airing our grievances!