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Advice? (5)

1 Name: みどり : 2015-11-16 02:31 ID:zrZOCWNx [Del]

For some reason I have been having issues with my emotions. A while ago one of my close relatives died and I wasn't even fazed. I didn't cry nor did I feel sad. It's not because I didn't love them but for some reason I couldn't really feel anything. Most of the time I either feel angry or happy. I can't feel sad, I don't get how people can fall in love, and etc. I think they're might be something wrong with me. Any advice?

2 Name: Unknown : 2015-11-16 04:03 ID:92eG+y3Y [Del]

Sorry, this is not advice but I just want to say when my aunty (who I've met once) died and honestly I hardly felt anything. In your situation, this person was a close relative but I think it is normal. Maybe your brain just put up some kind of emotional barrier so it didn't affect you? This is only my guess. I am NOT an expert but yeah, this doesn't make you a bad person or anything!

3 Name: yopo : 2015-11-16 12:13 ID:LlmNz4/m [Del]

it's normal im sorta the same but you should talk to a doctor

4 Name: Algernon D.F. !jVyhJ08Yxg : 2015-11-16 12:53 ID:aZj5l/E8 [Del]

>>1 I think there's a disorder similar to yours, don't feel bad about it. Go see a psychiatrist and they will know what to do.

5 Name: Pixella : 2015-11-16 14:11 ID:NikCC9+Q [Del]

Hi, I'm diagnosed with Major depression, anxiety, an borderline personality disorder. Unlike what most stereotypes portray, I'm really happy to be able to name all of that. It's helped me a lot with finding comfort in how my emotions don't process the way normal ones do. I have a lot of similarities to this, with small differences. I am angry often, or nervous. Those are my defaults. I'm good at not showing them. When I am sad it is never just a cry, it is a very deep pain, and it doesn't leave or stay, really, it does what it wants. Happiness is something I hear about, and I think I feel it sometimes, but I'm never quite sure and it scares me when I do feel it. It's okay to have your own mental proccessings, and if you aren't comfortable going to a doctor don't. It helps, but you have to be okay with it, that's most important.