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I need help (16)

1 Name: AnonHuman : 2015-11-14 17:03 ID:5I8pekaq [Del]

I suffer from social anxiety disorder and depression and i know those are just feeling and have nothing to do with facts but still feeling depressed and lonely is a really shitty feeling. I need advice on how to cope with these emotions and then overcome them.

2 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-14 17:43 ID:ia8Vsouw [Del]

Throw away everything. Throw away everything you wish you had, throw away all your hopes and dreams, give up on what you want and believe you will always live a shitty life. Then go into your own world of anime, free from depression and sadness. Live life as a shut-in.


You can go to friends you can trust and ask for their advice. Actually, no. Don't ask for people's advice; it will make them uncomfortable. Just release everything on your mind to someone you trust and ask for a shoulder to lean and ears to listen to you. If they care enough to listen to your problems, you'll be able to pull through with them by your side. Then you'll realise that there are people who care for you. If not, follow the first option.

3 Name: Lindsy : 2015-11-14 17:51 ID:5I8pekaq [Del]

Option 1 is tempting

4 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-14 17:58 ID:ia8Vsouw [Del]

Well the majority have already made their decision, including me. *looks at option 1 with guilt*

5 Name: BBC : 2015-11-14 21:41 ID:EizGzKu4 [Del]

As a person who suffered from depression and still currently has an anxiety disorder I really recommend you talk to a psychologist. It may take a while to find the right one, but it really helps. Anti anxiety or depression meds also work really well, even if the side effects can be kinda annoying.

6 Name: Shadow Dragon : 2015-11-14 23:58 ID:+DEFkNpQ [Del]

they just did option 2 by speaking to all of us by the sound of it. and i agree you should get professional help not just talk about it online

7 Name: Rykero : 2015-11-15 02:04 ID:CLrVqYgF [Del]

Get yourself some Xanax, don't care how, whether it be prescription or otherwise, just get some. Look up dosages online for your bodyweight (I don't think it relies on body weight but just to be safe). This stuff, when taken in prescribed ways, will mellow you out and make you more sociable. It can also be fun when taken recreationaly! Any questions, email me at

8 Name: Algernon D.F. !jVyhJ08Yxg : 2015-11-15 08:44 ID:zdfk6v5H [Del]

>>2 Not to sound disrespectful but try to be more careful when handing out advice that way. It's good advice but someone might get the wrong idea.

>>1 A lot of people gave you the right idea, go see a psychologist and sort out what you need. Maybe they will tell you to find a sort of escape ( that's what they told me, but ask your psychologist anyways) in hobbies, may I suggest cooking? It'll have your mind focused on something and rewards you with something you and other people can enjoy.

9 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-15 08:52 ID:ebLEL6ot [Del]

>>8 Sorry b0ss. This is my satirical style. It's proven to be effective and although I agree someone might get the wrong idea, they aren't trying hard enough to get my point. Focusing on the negative means you've already given up. Think of my advice like a massive slap in the face with two possible reactions from the receiver. Let's hope the reaction is an epiphany.

10 Name: Algernon D.F. !jVyhJ08Yxg : 2015-11-15 14:39 ID:zdfk6v5H [Del]

>>9 Well, it does work on people who aren't possibly clinically depressed. Just saying it's kind of a double-edged sword that is better replaced with someone else, if you play your cards with no strategy you might win or lose. Plan your cards and make it a win-win.

11 Name: Algernon D.F. !jVyhJ08Yxg : 2015-11-15 14:50 ID:zdfk6v5H [Del]

>>1 I forgot to tell you I had depression too when I was around 15-16 And I used to read a lot to help cope with my sense of not being worthy of living. Reading about anything that can teach you is a big help. I don't mean self help books but articles on the internet, science books or any subject you want to know more about and here's why:
A site I really enjoy visiting is, maybe you know about it, and the stuff I used to read where books about biology or foreign traditions.

12 Name: MomoIro Kakarichou!4NcuSThL.k!!YbYzBMqP : 2015-11-15 15:07 ID:G/FzZMI4 [Del]

try to do the things you freal such as public speaking or just plan out conversations like if you hqve that one person you want to talk to or a special someone then just try thinking of thigs to say to them next time you see them plan how you will start a conversation their possible answers some phrases yu can use if the conversation did not got according to plan

for me the reason i csn speak to people a bit more than usual now is that
A) i jooind a play in the school so the time we rehearsed helped me know more about the people around me, it is not nessecary to speak to them just find out what other people are internested in
B) i wrote poems to express myself when i was unable to speak to people i would speak to the paper with my pen and oneday i got caught writing in class so the teacher made me say a poem in the assembly (or whatever the time the students gather in is called in different places) which boosted my confidence and now i am able to speak to people but i dont nesecarily like it :D

i know my spelling is a bish plz cope with it

13 Name: AnonHuman : 2015-11-15 15:38 ID:3fogV5Jl [Del]

Holo the wise wolf. Your massive pump slap did actually help

14 Name: Reason : 2015-11-15 17:49 ID:KQBwHn/D [Del]

I know people who are going through the same thing. Talk to your parents if you can, and see if you can see a psychiatrist.

15 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-15 18:42 ID:oiMiM3dS [Del]

>>13 'Tis a pleasure.

So...what option did you pick?

16 Name: AnonHuman : 2015-11-17 11:26 ID:n9oIANQz [Del]

Number 2