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Help for a friend (16)

1 Name: Sir : 2015-11-10 19:52 ID:v4hHv6lC [Del]

So, I have a friend and she's bisexual. She's my best friend and right now is dating the girl of her dreams-they even proposed me a three-way in the future! But my friend's parents are religious fanatics. They wouldn't accept her if they knew, and this is driving her nuts. We're going to college next year and I have ways to take her our of her home if necessary, but she won't accept that. I don't know what to do anymore to help her be herself. Please, help!

2 Name: Pazixe : 2015-11-11 00:04 ID:T1/u/cvi [Del]

I know it sounds cliché but
She should tell them
Religious or not they should love her enough to accept it
Maybe they will have something against her
But if she really likes this girl and wants her
Then it shoudnt do eny damage

3 Name: Fenress : 2015-11-11 00:28 ID:uSxlwbzZ [Del]

I think there's no question whether she should tell them or not. At one point, I think she will have to tell them. The really question is, at what point?

It's not something I nor anyone can tell her (or him). It's something she should ponder upon on and decide for herself. Ask her to think about when would be ready to tell them, ready to accept their reactions, ready to be able to live on regardless.

Best of luck to your friend. She is indeed lucky to have someone concerned about her wellbeing.

4 Name: Sir : 2015-11-11 03:43 ID:X+tG1Cxo [Del]

I know her parents, and I do believe they will not accept her. Thank you both for the replies, they helped a lot! I'll do what you said, Fenress. I hope it all ends well.

5 Name: Fenress : 2015-11-11 07:18 ID:hEydS9Gz [Del]

I see. Well, it's a struggle I hope your friend will be able to overcome that.

Though please consider my advice unsolicited. I have no actual experiences in dealing with these coming out dilemmas. I think what I said was reasonable, hopefully.

((I noticed a lot of typographical/grammitcal errors. Please excuse them. Being on mobile is tedious....))

*real question
*she would be ready

6 Name: Sir : 2015-11-11 07:38 ID:neI379dl [Del]

I'll do it because seems like a reasonable solution. I thank you again, my friend.

7 Name: Kanra : 2015-11-12 06:58 ID:S9CyTCKG [Del]

I bet my money and pride on this.
That girl of yours who's bisexual.
She'll have a temporary happiness on being a relationship with girls and she'll regret not following her parents.
I bet on that and remember it for her please.
Remind her that.
Ofc her parent's would react harshly. but you know, there are two kinds of parents, the understanding and the hysterical one.
I hope her parents are understanding in anyway.
And for you as her friend tell her this also.
"Know what is right and think about the sync of your heart and others."
Because listening to your only heart may lead you to being hurt in the end.
But anyway, I hope you both find the right thing to do.
Forgiving is easy when one really deserve it.

8 Name: Algernon D.F. !jVyhJ08Yxg : 2015-11-12 19:14 ID:FYK568/I [Del]

>>7 Don't bet your pride and money so easily, the big cats will leave you dry. evidence points to her being happier if she follows her desires than if she limited herself to what other people think. God loves every one of it's creations, be they straight, gay, trans, lesbian or bi.
>>1 I have a lot of gay friends and also my closest friend is a lesbian and they all said that coming out of the closet is the most liberating experience she can have right now, if she's going to college she should tell them now so she doesn't have that weight dragging her down. If she has consequences you should just be there for her, no parent that truly loves their children should hate her for being herself though, so don't worry.

9 Name: Sir : 2015-11-16 19:09 ID:v4hHv6lC [Del]

Sorry for the late answer. Well, her parents will not understand. They often say things about homosexuality that makes her sad even more unwillingly to say. And her father hit her once, and I'm sure he will not accept this peacefully. Well,I thank you all for helping me out. It's making me more confident that I can help her, no matter what happens.

10 Name: Algernon D.F. !jVyhJ08Yxg : 2015-11-17 06:03 ID:TycPwUWv [Del]

>>9 Sorry to hear that about her parents. It must be a really heavy load to carry, atleast she can count on her friends and as long as she has support from somewhere, she will be able to sort things out.
Just remind her at all times that being opposed to homosexuality is being opposed to love, she'll know what side is wrong.

11 Name: Chiro : 2015-11-17 06:14 ID:+b5gPY/A [Del]

Don't let them take away the love she has for the girl. It's her choice, not theirs. This is why religion is screwed up. Their minds tainted with false beliefs

12 Name: Kage-15-11 cJ/fkyF9 : 2015-11-17 06:42 ID:Zn2Asyfb [Del]

I am a Christian. Born one, but it says in our religion to not judge our neighbors. I don't understand why we are judging each other for our likes and ways of life.

13 Name: Chiro : 2015-11-17 06:56 ID:+b5gPY/A [Del]

Sorry for the reply, I got frustrated. I don't judge religion at all. People chose what they believe and I'm alright with it as long they believe in what give them hope

14 Name: doommachine11 : 2015-11-17 07:20 ID:ME9C3II6 [Del]

I have and know people who went through the same thing, honestly the three of you need to sit down with your parents and explain why you feel like this and what your plans are and try and explain that its just how you feel and nothing they did and nothing anyone did to you guys. and after this if they don't accept you guys then leave them behind start anew as parents they should want to see their kids happy and if they are going to let something such as religion stop them from accepting you then let them know that you are happy this way and that you tried to explain everything and they wouldn't accept it and that you had no choice that you are only following and doing what makes you happy.

15 Name: doommachine11 : 2015-11-17 07:23 ID:ME9C3II6 [Del]

sir you can email me at or kik me at doommachine11

16 Name: Ventusleone : 2015-11-18 15:06 ID:O6Bjvolz [Del]

I am probably just repeating the others but i need to say this.
She should tell her parents as soon as there is a place she can go if worst comes to worst. Also if you are worried about her parents being violent, Be there yourself. Film it, record it, anything that you can use to prove to any authorities that she did not have a good home and is better off without them. Hopefully they will accept it or at least don't get violent over it. As a christian and a dollar i wish her, and you, the best of luck.