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Sexist Classmate (7)

1 Name: Harumi : 2015-11-09 04:42 ID:9Kyt+14h [Del]

So I earlier this afternoon (GMT +8) we had our second-and-last subject for the day. My guy classmate who was behind me called me and said "If you would still wear that kind of color, guys would definitely laugh at you." I was like "What?" So he pointed at my back and realized he was talking about my sports bra in a gray and green color (we wear uniforms in our school and it's colored white). I got embarrassed for a second, but I realized, what he said was actually wrong. I got pissed and told him that it shouldn't be me who should take action, it should be him. I wear bra because it's a protection, not for motherf*cking boys' entertainment. I also told him "WHY DON'T YOU JUST STOP WATCHING PORNOS HUH" and he was like "Ohhh shit!" and smiled like he just got pwned.

Btw I liked him last year, but not anymore. He's arrogant and Mr. Know-it-all. I really hate him for being like that. He's kind of good at academics but ughh.

*Sigh*... Society sucks for me.

2 Name: Daim : 2015-11-09 05:23 ID:za62Ai94 [Del]

Ok, so i can understand why this isn't exactly "Appropriate conduct" but how is it sexist?

3 Name: [wat] Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-11-09 05:28 ID:VE403Vrc [Del]

Well, in terms of "colour" it sort of is sexist but I think he's just a plain asshole - not a sexist asshole

4 Name: turntechGodhead : 2015-11-09 13:52 ID:3tgtH0g+ [Del]

actually sexists are everywhere not just for you but for everyone
at my school about half the school is homophobic transphobic and sexist
and also dont get worked up just because some guy decided to comment on some color
he is ignorant and is just hanging out with the wrong group of peers
just know that he will be kicked in the face later on

5 Name: Michael : 2015-11-09 14:30 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

You should see the guys from my school.When they see a busty girl they say "Damn man.Look at that ass.Her face isn't so nice,but her ass is to die for.".They care only if the girl is beautiful and busty.

6 Name: Neko : 2015-11-09 14:38 ID:HDBRokyz [Del]

I think you're overreacting.
Prejudice is only a problem when it's taken too seriously, for both the agressor and the targets.
All you have to do is tell him off without swearing and yelling.
Some people don't realize they're prejudiced against prejudice. Try not to be one of those people.

7 Name: SushiRuv : 2015-11-09 23:22 ID:peSssK7R [Del]

Just say "Stop checking me out", that usually works on immature guys.