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Coming out... (20)

1 Name: Bakyura : 2015-11-08 22:46 ID:FDOecDaX [Del]

Okay. So here's the deal. I am a 15 year old Homosexual male. I just recently found out I am gay. I had always seen myself as Bisexual up until about 2 years ago.. when i started to lose interest in women. I let myself keep saying I am Bi for two whole years until I realized... I have absolutely no sexual interest in women at all... I told my online best friend (Lets just call him Claude) and a few other online friends and they were all so cool and accepting. But my real life friends and family are the problem... My family is very religious and I cannot tell them because they will say im sinning and kick me out... Im planning to tell them when Im on my own in the future. Now my friends.... They're the problem... I have asked Claude if i should tell one of them that was asking me... He told me to tell them if i want but dont if im too scared.. I told that person... only due to the distance they live from me (VERY FAR AWAY) and also how close we are... friendship wise, I mean. But everyone else.. I am way to scared of what they are going to think of me but this is something that i dont think should be left as a secret. What should I do? Somehow manage to grow the courage to tell them, or leave it be and not say a thing...? Please someone help me..

2 Name: Anonymous : 2015-11-08 22:53 ID:Lktb0sUF [Del]

If they are your true friends, then they should accept you no matter what, if they judge you just because you are different, then there is no real friendship there

3 Name: Fenress : 2015-11-08 23:04 ID:uSxlwbzZ [Del]

If I may add anything, it's that you can do it subtly...unless of course if there is a sense of urgency.

4 Name: Bastion : 2015-11-08 23:52 ID:yWrcw+i+ [Del]

after a while secrets like these will start ripping you apart from the inside, the only reason that it hasn't happened to me is because i know that my friends and family would still accept me if they knew, there's no urgency in me or doubt, but with you its different, you don't know what the reaction will be, and you want to know what your friends and family will think of you if you reveal this one, little fact. the bottom line in all of this is that if you're really very afraid of telling anyone, then i wouldn't, but if you find it ripping you up inside, tell everyone, and things will sort themselves out, maybe not the way you'd like, but its the only way that you'll come out relatively unscathed.

5 Name: Rob_Anybody : 2015-11-09 20:29 ID:lfWcqLVL [Del]

@Bastion, I don't think being kicked out of your home at 15 is "coming out relatively unscathed".

6 Name: Aries - アリエス : 2015-11-10 16:08 ID:clyb+HIr [Del]

I'm going to give you advice from experience.

Bring up the subject. Maybe just showing them a few comical pictures from the Facebook page; Lizzie The Lezzy. Ask them about the topic casually. I asked something like: "What do you think about the image? Which side would you take?? The LGBT, or others?"

7 Name: Sabrina : 2015-11-10 16:44 ID:YxyVqyLj [Del]

I don't think you need to tell them right now. I understand what you mean with the religious family kicking you out and such, my best friend has been suicidal for 5 years because no one in her family will accept her for who she is. However, you will have to tell them eventually.

8 Name: Nico_25 : 2015-11-10 17:35 ID:YH9+3pPL [Del]

Hey. I know what you are going through right now. This may not be great information, but I hope it helps just a little bit...
So from what I know, you're very young. I would suggest that you tell a close friend or something first (or maybe someone else you trust?) before telling anyone in your family. Religious people do not take things like this lightly. Wait until you are a bit older... I hope you can make it. x

9 Name: Dollars : 2015-11-11 12:46 ID:8WYAjpsb [Del]

Hey I was in the thing as you but what I did was tell my close and later on I told all my friends and they did not care its ok to wait if you want to.hope that help ;)

10 Name: Spade : 2015-11-11 14:03 ID:hJPI9AiX (Image: 236x231 jpg, 21 kb) [Del]

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Hey Bakyura, first I'm going to say, you aren't sinning. You don't have to tell your family if you don't want to. Your friend was right, you should only do it if your comfortable with it. If your friends don't accept it then that's there problem not yours because you are perfect just the way you are. If you want to keep it to yourself then do so, but if you've told your friends that you were bi and they were cool with it then they'd more than likely understand you being gay to so I don't think you have anything to worry about.

11 Name: Kanra : 2015-11-12 05:52 ID:4E+HLwN6 [Del]

Well, for me it is bad.
Marrying someone with the same gender is completely bad as to my understanding.
Not because it's written in the bible or anything..
but because it's understanding of our worlds logic.
Why was their two genders if we can just marry with the same gender?
It's a sin. Yes it's a sin if you believe it. And it's not if you don't. And that matters on your beliefs. Whether you believe it or matters.
Will I believe. Because it's written in the bible and I believe that bible says the truth and nothing but the truth.
Our teacher just said earlier this afternoon.
"Same sex marriage will only be felt temporarily. True love is one who respects, appreaciates, and feel the same way your partner does."
About RESPECT. If you respect the person whom you 'love', then shouldn't you do the RIGHT thing for her/his own sake and yours as well?
You can't respect anyone if you don't even know how to respect yourselves.
"And hell is respect that big enough to make the LOVE and understanding?"
YES. Because loving is respecting. Loving without respecting are just desperation and a temporary pleasure.
Well if you don't believe this is true, then don't.
Im not forcing you. But remember, you know what's right and wrong anymore. You're all grown up.
So please. Don't misunderstood things on your own.
Yeah sure those couples who had a same sex marriage are your inspirations, but question is, are they living on the world or living with their OWN world?
It's funny how I reacted on this harshly without even reading the whole thing, but you know, it's happening quiet often so Im kinda concerned about this.
If you guys just knew how God is so powerful. Indeed he is.
And yes, I'd rather choose being judged by the world than be judged by God.
There it is. Godbless y'all.

12 Name: Kanra : 2015-11-12 06:14 ID:S9CyTCKG [Del]

And oh yeah. I read the whole thing.
>>1 Don't worry. If I were you, I'd listen to my family.
Parents knows best.
If you'd still think "But they would kick me out completely if I told them"
The point is, do you really need to tell them?
Why not just start looking for answer slowly by following them?
If you told them directly and they'll kick you out, then they aren't real parents either.
Realy parents understands their son/daughters. There's no parent who wouldn't like to forgive their son's mistake.
I mean it's normal, on teenage periods getting in the wrong path.
I think your bond with them will strengthen if you followed them.
Oh how I'd wish my parents are like yours. You know..religious and all mighty.
It's a very blessing to pray together and stay together.
And yeah sorry for being talkative with that but anyway.
To your case..if you'd think you won't be forgiven anymore. Well no. YOU'LL BE FORGIVEN EASILY just by saying 'sorry' and regretting all of these.
And hey about those friends of yours who'll not accept you, if they throw you out and get grossed by you, then indeed they aren't real friends, but if they told you the right thing and help you through fixing it, then they are your real friends.
In our world, you need to be someone people expects to make them accept you, and if you became yourself and it looks like your true self isn't acceptable, they won't get you or understand you and in the end will avoid you.
That's the sad truth of the world, but have you ever wondered.
You wondered of the 'why'?
Why are they like that? Why are they mean? Why wouldn't they accept you as to who you are?Why do you even struggle to these kinds of things?
Because this is the REAL world.
The world has hard times and bad times. And in order to make you feel good, you must felt bad first. And in order to feel bad, you have felt good in the past.
So why? Why always be on the bad side? When you can actually feel the good side?
Yes you'd feel bad happenings even though you're in the good side, but that's just temporary. There's no forever.
So be in the good times in all times. Whether it's sad and happy, stay in the good side.
Dear, you're just same my age. And im really blessed to be in a Religious country with people living in good guidance and peace.
And you're also blessed to be reading this.
And if anyone oppose this, well judge with your own opinion on which is in the good side.
There you go and godbless!

13 Name: Tarou-Tanaka : 2015-11-12 10:34 ID:Dqo3KSh0 [Del]

>>11 That really isn't good advice to someone... Honestly, I see what you said as rude, but that's just my opinion.

>>1 Your best bet is to listen to what the others said. Wait a bit to tell your family and only tell the friends your close to. You're not "Sinning". Love is love, that's all that matters.

14 Name: Yukki : 2015-11-12 14:55 ID:Kwmn+4u3 [Del]

I think it's wonderful that you are gay. I don't mind, just embrace it. Tell your friends and family and if they hate it, so what, there opinion on it doesn't matter in this. I hope this helps, my friend is lesbian and was in the same position you are in right now. Don't worry and I hope this helps. ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

15 Name: Algernon D.F. !jVyhJ08Yxg : 2015-11-12 19:00 ID:FYK568/I [Del]

>>11 Pansexualism is a thing now though,loving someone not for who they seem, but for who they are, the purest kind of love I can think of, and catholics used to have same-sex relationships waay back. I think there's definitely a misunderstanding between what the bible says and what people think, Sodom and Gomorrah fell because their inhabitants weren't good samaritans and refused to help the angels that God sent, the homosexuals there where judged for being rapists, not for being homosexuals. Also Jesus seems pretty chill about gay people.
>>1 I think you should indeed tell your parents. If they honestly have loved you 'till now they will continue too, also tell your friends and your true friends will emerge that way. Homosexuality isn't something to hide anymore, you should be proud about it ;) You came out and stood up for who you really are.

16 Name: Algernon D.F. !jVyhJ08Yxg : 2015-11-13 08:44 ID:AEQUxqlo [Del]

>>12 I feel like I should include this..Your TEACHER said that? my god, do they even have capacitations anymore? Species all around the world have had homosexual relations, the greeks had homosexual relations and considered it normal, even the romans! (and guess where catholicism started to grow) Anti gay minded people are very recent.. One would say they are the passing fad.

P.D There are two genders in the world because that's how evolution made it for our DNA to be passed on, but it doesn't mean it's the most effective. I wouldn't be surprised if evolution makes it so in a million years from now there's only one universal gender. I hope you don't think your God made mistakes while making species.

17 Name: SkullHaven : 2015-11-13 12:48 ID:yEkxQjx3 [Del]

Hey okay so first off it shouldnt matter if anyone is gay or not second i think you should tell your friend because if they are really your friends they wont look at you differently for it and what religion does your dad follow?

18 Name: Shadow Dragon : 2015-11-13 22:36 ID:/rWKFyIn [Del]

Hey im gay and live in a relatively small town and no ones disrespected me in any way but if they did i just wouldn't be friends with them any more assuming i was friends with them in the first place and if they stopped liking me then they were never real friends to begin with because friendship should not be that easy to destroy

19 Name: Jilva : 2015-11-14 01:25 ID:o/7XZDC7 [Del]

i don't suggest telling your parents unless you are 100% sure that they will accept you

20 Name: Kiara : 2015-11-14 08:33 ID:SQOVl0gE [Del]

I was scared to tell my parents when I found out I was bi, but they just didn't care about my sexuality and nothing has changed. I'm nervous to tell my religious grandparents, but as long as someone accepts you, everything will be fine. I know that even if they disown me, I have lots of supportive friends that will help me. Don't be afraid to show who you really are.