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Problems? (21)

1 Name: SushiRuv : 2015-11-08 02:28 ID:peSssK7R [Del]

I love humans, as well as their problems. I find them very interesting. Share your personal problem? Letting them out will help.

2 Name: Guardian : 2015-11-08 11:16 ID:MybKvE5+ [Del]

I have trouble with trusting other people. I don't really have that many friends because i just don't tust them enough to have a long term friendship. I think the problem originated from when my dad left the family, but it could be something else.

3 Name: marta03 : 2015-11-08 11:26 ID:ovjE0iHb [Del]

Yeah... I have a hard time trusting people too for some reason, although everyone in my family extrovert... But I have 2 good friends and that's enough. :)

4 Name: SushiRuv : 2015-11-08 18:28 ID:peSssK7R [Del]

Seems we all have trust issues. Very few are loyal friends now a days.

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: Zeto : 2015-11-08 19:47 ID:WFwALuo4 [Del]

no major problems, its just that sometimes my parents make me feel like shit over nothing

7 Name: kiki : 2015-11-08 22:30 ID:iCEt7mZp [Del]

Major trust issues with my friends 😒

8 Name: Bakyura : 2015-11-08 22:35 ID:FDOecDaX [Del]

Im gay... I cant tell my family because they are very religious and would reject and kick me out (Though im 15) and i am too scared to tell my friends.

9 Name: gen : 2015-11-09 00:50 ID:WVg/HzME [Del]

im a sex fiend but people call me a whore but im a guy T^T

10 Name: xXTrollzayaXx : 2015-11-09 03:13 ID:fqsxaz89 [Del]

>>9 technically that's a manwhore but okay

11 Name: [pansexy] Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-11-09 05:32 ID:VE403Vrc [Del]

>>8 Well first off, even if your parents are religious, how would they react on a personal level and not on a "follower-of-God" level? Some people still accept the other sides of the spectrum, regardless of their religion. And what about your friends? My friends were cool when they realised my sexuality. In fact, it was a pretty big coincidence that they're 50 shades of not straight XD

12 Name: [pansexy] Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-11-09 05:35 ID:VE403Vrc [Del]

>>7 If you don't trust your friends specifically, then why? You shouldn't be friends with them anymore if the reason screams to not trust any of them.

Also to add to my point, >>8, my lesbian friend came out to all of her closest friends as a warm up and them will come out to her parents. Okei, I'm done spamming now ^_^"

13 Name: eccochem : 2015-11-09 08:49 ID:XgChfix+ [Del]

I'm troubled with my school and work. My Apprenticeship ends in 8 months and then I need to do final apprenticeship examination. When I'm finished with that I don't know what to do. I have so many options but also want to do many things. I've been thinking already over a year now and still can't find the answer. When I hear other peoples goal I feel so envious. I also want to have goal set but it's so hard.
I either want to continue working or go study.

Work in another Company or studying for GameDesign or what I'm currently learning is to be a Mediaexpert for Designs. -_-

14 Name: Swaglord420Blazeit : 2015-11-09 15:16 ID:Mdq7Xo8l [Del]

I have to much swag for my own good yet my cush is all gone :(

15 Name: SushiRuv : 2015-12-19 03:36 ID:peSssK7R [Del]


16 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-19 15:20 ID:tU6O1ze7 [Del]

I have sexual frustration.

17 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-12-19 19:55 ID:BfHqLQqS [Del]

>>16 Let it out

18 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-20 13:11 ID:tU6O1ze7 [Del]

>>17 On who?

19 Name: The K : 2015-12-20 16:47 ID:BbO1hkVM [Del]

I used to have problems with my school grades, but I fortunaly could fix that and now I'm on vacation.
I used to have a crush on a cute friend of mine, but I lost my interest on her eventually.
I had some fights with some friends these last months, but we were able to forgive ourselves, so we are cool now.
I was insecure about my body (skinny), then I started working out. Well, my body isn't any better by now, but I'm not insecure anymore.

I think I got rid of every single problem that used to pursue me, except the crisis my country is suffering with. But that's not a big deal, since my sister is going to become a doctor! Medics are well-paid around here.

And, to be honest, I kind of miss my problems. They make me want to solve them, but now I'm just bored in my bedroom waiting for my classes to come back. I guess I should travel, but I'm short on money. I'm SO bored, even with a lot of things to do I really don't feel like doing nothing.

20 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-12-21 19:19 ID:BfHqLQqS [Del]

>>18 Right hand man.

21 Name: michiro !achZbuCnQc : 2015-12-22 03:22 ID:qGbDg9K8 [Del]

My problem is that I'm unemployed right now. I have been for about a month and a half. The last job I had lasted about 2 months (I had good reasons to quit--I wasn't just being lazy or something), and before that I was unemployed for about 5 weeks.

I've more or less stopped trying--with anything, I mean. I barely go outside anymore. I barely even leave my room anymore, for that matter. The thought of being around other people sometimes makes me feel like I'm going to have a panic attack, so I've been avoiding everyone, even my housemates.