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Thought on the Environment (4)

1 Name: Shimi Negari : 2015-11-04 15:30 ID:n0BM9fFQ [Del]

Recently I have been thinking more and more on how we are taught so young about disasters around the world such as; deforestation, ocean pollution, oil spills, etc. We are taught so young that we develop ecophobia (the fear of the environment). We are told over and over that there are problems in the world that there could be solutions to them, but we just kind of brush it off saying, "Well, what can I do about it?" Why are we never taught what we can actually do about it? Truth is we are killing the earth slowly. Are we going to just let it happen? For most people they are completely content on just allowing the earth to die out. We need the earth...Question now is, "Where can we go from here? Will we fix what our species started, or are we going to continue to let it happen?

I'm just interested in your opinions. Or if you can think of anything that we could start doing (mission) that would be great! Thanks for hearing out my little rant.

2 Name: Spade : 2015-11-04 17:07 ID:hJPI9AiX [Del]

Well Shimi, I've actually been asking this for a couple years now. We are killing our Earth and everything in it. There are many things that people can do to start helping, the question is WHO will start helping. There are already organizations that do help with the environment. The amount of damage that people have done is beyond complete recovery but it doesn't mean we have to be so harmful to our world. There is no way we can completely be eco-friendly but there are many ways to recover for what we did and to become a more eco friendly world.

3 Name: Spade : 2015-11-04 17:08 ID:hJPI9AiX [Del]

There could be competitions to see who could be the most eco-friendly? I don't know how they would be done but it's just an idea

4 Name: Rykero : 2015-11-04 22:37 ID:xgTZQC+7 [Del]

These exist. One of the kids in my environmental science class came up with the plan to replace the toilets with low-flow ones and put more recycling cans around the school, he won $1,000 plus got the school a grant to do this stuff