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A girl to love (9)

1 Name: Illogicalshark !BSXJxT2atI : 2015-11-02 01:25 ID:G8cBV6R1 [Del]

Hey guys I've got a question for you all: If you love a girl but if she doesn't share the same feelings, then should you suppress your feelings too or let them grow until she shares them as well?

2 Name: Tifel : 2015-11-02 01:46 ID:Rf1snCJ0 [Del]

Its a tricky question you got there friend, id be lieing if i told ive never been in this kinda situation. Never ever suppress your feelings! To deny ourselves of our feelings would be denying the very thing that makes us human, but also remember to never force your feelings on another denying them their humanity and ultimately forfeiting your own.

3 Name: Calinue : 2015-11-02 03:22 ID:BplbRbea [Del]

I agree with Tifel, but be respectful of her feelings as well and don't push her. If you can handle it just be there for her as a friend and that can be a way to express your love for her even if she doesn't return it in the way you would like. Don't force yourself either! Good luck!

4 Name: Hex : 2015-11-02 17:23 ID:JWGtXKyG [Del]

Look dude, there's only one way to settle it, start getting familiar with her (that means start talking to her irl and not just over social media etc.) and then ask her out. If she says no, then it wasn't meant to be. But don't linger over it for too long, that'll just pull you down emotionally.

5 Name: Illogicalshark !BSXJxT2atI : 2015-11-04 00:32 ID:G8cBV6R1 [Del]

Thanks guys for the help! @Tifel @Calinue @Hex I know that what you guys are saying is true and will do my best to follow through with it. Also Hex i do talk to her irl we share 2 classes together and have gotten the chance to know eachother fairly well. Its just that I have told her i like her but she says she sees me as a friend and lost motivation on what i have been doing. But anyway I know what i must do now and well see how things turn out ^.^

6 Name: Rykero : 2015-11-04 01:58 ID:xgTZQC+7 [Del]

She already sees you as a friend mate. Going any further will come across as creepy to her. You're finished, so find a new chick to drool over

7 Name: Max : 2015-11-04 02:46 ID:0fLrDvJs [Del]

>>1 Fight for your love man, Be like Gasai Yuno from Mirai Nikki.

8 Name: Kanra : 2015-11-04 05:36 ID:pSJNx4+e [Del]

Remember: Obsession and Love is different.
Obsession is the feeling of being force to someone who dont really give a damn to you but still you end to like her/him even though she/he have hurt you couple of times.
While Love.. is the feeling of affection and care from TWO(NOT ONE) persons. Love is being able to accept someone without any hesitant.
But well..if you feel inlove in her but she happen to not show any signs of her liking you back..if Im on your shoes I'd just try to be friends with her than breaking my own heart by forcing myself to her.
Being friends is infinity.

9 Name: Yuki : 2015-11-04 09:06 ID:Nr5HwsSt [Del]

Easy tiger, I've been in this situation before. I had this one guy who really liked me, but was persistent to the point of creepy. You BOTH have to consent in order to make a relationship work.