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kinda feeling useless (11)

1 Name: sara : 2015-11-01 17:13 ID:6e6DvhWe [Del]

hey guys... i need a little cheering up... lately i feel like i cant do anything right and i screw up everything and some of my friends are mean and dont really care about me.. so im lonely. i broke up with my boyfriend cause he was mean and would call me bad names but he claims hes changed, we started talking again and when i looked at his phone he was texting other girls saying the same "i love you" speeches he was giving me. im trying really hard in school but no matter what i do, my parents dont think its good enough. someone please cheer me up. thanks.

2 Name: Izuna : 2015-11-01 17:27 ID:7EYCe2Dc (Image: 236x236 jpg, 12 kb) [Del]

src/1446420474515.jpg: 236x236, 12 kb
Everyone feels down sometimes, it's those small yet wonderful moments in life that help us keep going. So keep your head up and stay strong. Things will get better if you let them.

3 Name: corpus : 2015-11-01 23:43 ID:UpkeRW5+ [Del]

dont let these things bother you its ur life and ur choice. Yeah shit happens despite if its good or bad. DOn't let the bad drag you down all u can do is keep ur head up high and move forward. and if ur having trouble keeping ur head high do the small things that cheer you up like eating ur favoirte food or going out and having a me day.

4 Name: ILoveHumans<3 : 2015-11-01 23:56 ID:jdP4fE3u [Del]

>>1 Your not useless All humans are interesting~

5 Name: Hisa : 2015-11-02 01:04 ID:RkpO9qBD [Del]

Just fight through it. I know that one day, you'll make it :)

6 Name: Wolfxstefan : 2015-11-02 01:10 ID:0XFPu+Bj [Del]

Get the bad people you can out of your life, you can't keep toxic friends near you.
Focus on what you can do, start small like making yourself work out before you go to sleep. You got to be selfish
Focus on you and only you

7 Name: Calinue : 2015-11-02 03:24 ID:BplbRbea [Del]

Hang in there, life will turn itself around. I know it will seem like it might not for a while, but it will. Just have hope. Not all men are like this. Ganbatte~!

8 Name: momo : 2015-11-02 14:28 ID:5WNQnKSw [Del]

do what i did or rather will do
i have similar problems so i decided as soon as i finish school i would go somewhere new, a forigen country where no one knows me to start a new life

9 Name: Hex : 2015-11-02 17:16 ID:JWGtXKyG [Del]

Get rid of them, there's nothing worse than quasi-friends, try and make some friends with the unpopular people, they'll see you as friends, as they're the only people who value friendship.

10 Name: Beyond : 2015-11-02 20:35 ID:RjSyMW8i [Del]

what you need is a family of Dollars missy.

one who accept you for who you are ok?
if you have groupme let me invite you to a family where people cheer each other up

11 Name: Spade : 2015-11-02 21:18 ID:hJPI9AiX [Del]

Heya Sara, you aren't useless or any of that. Your boyfriend is a player so get rid of him. If you're friends don't care about you, find new people. I know making new friends can be tough but all good things take effort. You will find people who care for you and you will find guys/girls that will love you for you and will be loyal and kind to you. About your parents, they do care about you, they just may show it in a odd way. Don't listen to what other people say though, others may give you suggestions but that's them, what you want to do is your choice. You are good enough and as long as you think your good enough then that's all that matters. Life is simply a prespective, you either view it as good or bad or all the in betweens. How you see things will effect your reality. If you ever need someone to cheer you up or talk to Sara you can always talk to me and it seems that several others here are glad to talk to you to.