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I hate myself so much (21)

1 Name: SylarGray : 2015-10-31 01:52 ID:2oHtw5oZ [Del]

i've been depressed a long time, i have low self esteem and also i have a complex with my face because i suffer a strong case of acne. I've never had a girlfriend. Since 2 years ago i've been feeling like the worst garbage in the world. Besides, i'm only good at the school, and in this semester my grades are getting worse so i'm feeling worse than never. I don't know what to do to stop hating myself, i want this to stop but i can't stop this.
Ps. Thanks for reading this

2 Name: Mizuto : 2015-10-31 05:28 ID:0j2QfhdL [Del]

dude, calm down.
how about consultant to a specialist doctor?

3 Name: Rob : 2015-10-31 19:30 ID:tbAefgND [Del]

I understand how you feel bro, and I'll tell you that it is so fucking hard, but it does get better. I was depressed beyond helping (so I thought). And then I met the right people, got some acne meds, etc. so now all I can complain about is being a dweeb.

4 Name: ILoveHumans<3 : 2015-11-01 01:44 ID:Yaiypy6u [Del]

>>1 Accept yourself~

5 Name: SylarGray : 2015-11-01 02:17 ID:2oHtw5oZ [Del]

I went to the dermatologist, but the medicine is too expensive, and i can't afford it
>>3 I also met someone who is supporting me, but i don't want to be a burden to her.
>>4 I've already tried that, but i can't accept myself, or at least not my currently me. I consider myself like a garbage, so i can't accept myself

6 Name: Neophyte : 2015-11-01 04:13 ID:CGMIZyCs [Del]

You shouldn't consider yourself as garbage! Physical looks aren't everything, and if someone seems to be accepting and supporting of you, embrace that. Depression never fades, but there's ways to help and trust me, it does get better! I was pretty depressed myself in High school, and kinda still am, but it's not as bad now.
Learn to look at the pros in yourself, not just the cons! I'm sure you're a very wonderful and beautiful person... and don't you forget it!

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: ILoveHumans<3 : 2015-11-01 23:46 ID:jdP4fE3u [Del]

Ahh~ Humans sure are Interesting~

9 Name: SylarGray : 2015-11-02 00:41 ID:2oHtw5oZ [Del]

>>6 The only good thing in me are my grades, and they are going lower this semester, so i don't have any pros.Thats why i'm calling myself garbage.
Ps. How do you got better from your depression? What did yo do?

10 Name: Self : 2015-11-02 08:12 ID:mylyXy3A [Del]

If you truly think the afterlife or living in self pity is worth it, then go ahdad, kill yourself. Teens today are ridiculous. I understand that life can be shitty, but the world has a nice way of paying you back well off after it treats you awfully.

11 Name: El : 2015-11-02 13:07 ID:tl9q3rPo [Del]

I think if we talk further about this off of this thread then we can actually figure it out. If you are serious about wanting help, and changing yourself so that you CAN accept your self, please contact me at:

12 Name: momo : 2015-11-02 14:31 ID:5WNQnKSw [Del]

just find a cause in life no matter how stupid it may be. heck it might even be something like 'live to be the leader of the dollars' or 'live long enough to watch one piece end' basically just find a cause in life no matter how stupid it may be and whenever you feel life falling down just remember what you live for

13 Name: Hex : 2015-11-02 17:10 ID:JWGtXKyG [Del]

Listen up, you're over reacting, it's harsh, but it's true. Embrace what's given to you, you fool, for if you have this thought process, it'll leave you. You can go and see a counsellor or psychologist, but in the end you're the only one who can help you. So accept your life and how it is, because that's all that's coming your way and make the most of it. LIVE AND DON'T DOUBT YOU IDIOT. I don't know how else to express myself. Just wake up, idiot.

14 Name: Fortune !SWrWW9Ituc : 2015-11-02 18:21 ID:7hRLO/Wc [Del]

Dude, I'm basically the same.No girlfriend, low self esteem, some acne, depression. Been there... I just failed algebra 2 for the first quarter of the schoolyear but I'm still smiling. It's all in your outlook on things. If you see things in a better light, you realize that nothing is as bad as it seems.

15 Name: SylarGray : 2015-11-02 18:39 ID:2oHtw5oZ [Del]

>>10 I don't want to kill myself, i just hate what i'm.
>>12 I already have a reason to life.
>>13 i think you're right, maybe i'm being greedy wishing for something better.
>>14 Yup, i need to change my negative perception about the things and about myself.

16 Post deleted by user.

17 Name: Spade : 2015-11-02 21:35 ID:hJPI9AiX [Del]

I had extremely low self esteem and a bunch of acne and a big case of depression for the last two years, I burned myself on multiple occasions and thought about suicide, but then I learned some things. Life is all a matter of perspective. You can view the world as bad or you can view it as good. You can view yourself the same, you can view yourself as bad or you can view yourself as good. You aren't greedy for wanting something better in life, everyone wants something better in life. You shouldn't hate yourself though, I'm going to tell you who you are in five words, you are a human being. You are a human being with a beating heart and emotions. If your appearance is what your ashamed of, don't be. The hottest people can have the most ugliest personalities but all that matters is if you have a good heart. You seem to have a very good heart and a very kind personality. You will find someone so don't give up looking just yet, there are millions of people in this world with millions of different personalities, there will be at least one person for you.

18 Name: Water The Toxic Savior !BgxF79hIoI : 2015-11-02 21:45 ID:mUjMlAK7 [Del]

This metamorphasis will subside, friend.

19 Name: Euphoria : 2015-11-03 20:13 ID:WTsSuMxZ [Del]

you sound similar to me in a way... I can think about good things and look at a situation in a positive yet I don't. I can do it but then I automatically revert back to the gloomy me, I guess I'm comfortable with it. I do have one advice though, if you can find something you're good at, maybe that will make you smile. Like if you are good at art, draw something and keep it close to you so when you feel like the world is shit and you can't take it anymore, look at it and remember how cool you are :) for me, my art makes me happy

20 Name: SylarGray : 2015-11-03 21:27 ID:2oHtw5oZ [Del]

>>17 I have met a lot of people, yet nor my body or my personality are good enough for any of them
>>19 I'm only good memorizing. Not even learning, only memorizing things

21 Name: Hex !LvXKcf8ias : 2015-11-04 12:03 ID:JWGtXKyG [Del]

20 How you answered to 17 is wrong, that's bad, THAT ATTITUDE. Listen If those people like you, they like you for who you are, and you shouldn't have to be worry being "good enough" because to them you are good enough. I don't like being charismatic and saying "yay you can do it!" but damn it's the only way I'll get this point through to you. Just Live, Work Hard, Love those people and See what the future will bring you. That's all I can tell you, because you're the only one who can help you, so make that damn change.