Dollars BBS | Personal
















just rants (2)

1 Name: Misa : 2015-10-30 19:25 ID:IHsoeAYV [Del]

I had been fighting with my mother over and over again then i realize the things she had said to me like i must not be born and stuff,it hurts after two years she and my father divorce my mom live in the states while my dad leaves us and go to uk ,then on my older brother stops his schooling to work for my lil bro and me but one time due to some work he collapse and ended up in a hospital ,there i learned that he rarely eats and sleep for us,i cried so much buti realize we dont have parents anymore to turn on too,i realize that they left us ,so as my older brother was on the hospital i work many part time jobs as i can my older brother dont know cause i know he will get mad at me for working but if i dont work i wont be able to pay my brothers hospital bills and our house expenses,only my little brother knows im working,i barely got to school sometimes i dont go because of the high pay im gotta get,i wish that my parents rot in hell! I wish that if they knew they were gonna break up and divorce in the end why will they still have children?! Then what they will just toss us around like we are nothing but a nussiance to them! I dont think its fair! I know nothing in life was fair but really?! why is it so hard to live,i hope my parents rot in hell!

2 Name: Hiroki : 2015-10-30 19:40 ID:Bdgsj6wI [Del]

Either you explain your situation clearly to your two parents for them to help you (and if you go to UK, maybe you will have help from the governement and won't have such health bills), or just say America fuck Yeaah, I am wasting my life for an hospital bill !