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Plz help me! (4)

1 Name: Lyical : 2015-10-29 12:19 ID:nDCDlZyK [Del]

I have no friends at my school and no body likes anime and other stuff I like. I know I have internet friends and the dollars but I need one or two friends in real life

2 Name: PandaFreak !EYrvRrGrnI : 2015-10-29 13:04 ID:P5CqFfxc [Del]

Not sure why you would tell us that you need friends in real life when we are your virtual ones? But I'm guessing you are asking what to do about this?
Well then here's my advice if that is the case.
Try opening up to others. Let their interests be a matter later. Try seeing what the kind of people that you want to be friends with are. Nothing wrong with chatting with them a bit right? No one actually has a specific image of you if you don't talk to them or try to socialize with them.Unless they DO hate you? that's a different story.
Maybe try to figure out their interests. Give what they like a try maybe and you could relate to them more. Anime should not come up as your number one interest. Try expanding what you do and what you are interested in. Simply try to get to know them. Talk with them and socialize every now and then and volia! You made some friends.
As for when you DO talk with them. Don't bring up things that they wouldn't be interested in. Anime as such. Just go for something not too specific. Or long story short: Just open up to them and see what happens.

(Bleh, I just blurted out what came to mind, hope this helped xD)

3 Name: Saku Kazuma : 2015-10-29 14:58 ID:sXNj6Qyd [Del]

What I do is that if no one in my class or school like anime,I just introduce it to them,like I ask there favorite genres and what they want the story to be about,when I get home then I try my best to find one of their descriptions,and if I do I tell them to search it up and watch it,of course if I can't find anything I search for a manga,and then when they finish it, I can talk to them about it because I'll be watching it too,anyway that's just my opinion and it only works well with trusted friends in my case anyway I hope when you try it,it helps sorry if it doesn't go well though but hopefully it will!!!

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