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Should I listen (5)

1 Name: Karkat : 2015-10-27 15:35 ID:b/PQOd7I [Del]

Okay so there is this guy I met on KIK and he lives in England he says he is 17 and he wants me to be his GF and he wants to meet me in person one of these days he said he s going to be in Washington Vancouver during the weekend close to the mall and the mall is a walking distance from my place he wants to watch a movie. My friend says this is bad news well he sounds like bad news I keep telling her I will be fine she keeps on saying a lot of other things to about what he could be but that's not how he sounds. Me and him aren't dating or anything it's just a movie right? Should I listen to my friend? I know the internet is dangerous but me and him have been talking for 7 months now.

2 Name: cryptic : 2015-10-27 15:59 ID:zYEwf0Dj [Del]

In those 7 months, have you guys skyped? or use any way to communicate face to face or at least call? I'm dating a guy who's two years older and we known each other for several months now. It is dangerous but we've seen what we look like and frequently talk in skype. I feel as if it would be better to see what he really looks like and sound like first to have a sense of who you are about to date. And I suggest that you do if you really like this guy and so does he, just so that you both can be comfortable and see who you're really meeting.

3 Name: Desi : 2015-10-27 16:18 ID:gCd0xjJi [Del]

i would bring a friend and have them like a safe distance away from me

4 Name: Karkat : 2015-10-27 16:45 ID:b/PQOd7I [Del]

@cryptic he has sent a picture of himself once or twice my skype won't work

5 Name: Obsrvrs : 2015-10-27 17:21 ID:Ahs+oQaG [Del]

yeah this has kidnapping or at very least creepy written ALL OVER it hah... I would at least take a friend with you, maybe two.

Spend like 3 minutes on instagram and you'll see 934,282 fake profiles that look more legit than most real profiles at first glance. There are even people in extremist groups that basically look for, befriend, meet and then threaten and force individuals to do something crazy.. it sounds insane but just read this NYT article about one chick, its kinda crazy what can occur on the net these days.

Now, I'm not saying that even true love couldn't be found from meeting someone online, but not even SEEING them in skype multiple times and knowing them a bit seems very risky to just meet them...

It pays to be cautious and smart -