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Help with the real world? Don't know what to call this... (3)

1 Name: toforeversigh : 2015-10-27 06:20 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

So I guess the gist of what I need help with is my "real life avatar". So I'm someone who cares very little about the real world when it comes to the physical things like how I look. I'm not someone who's just lonely but rather I'm yet to find anyone in the real world to truly interest me so the people I know don't matter to me. Now I should point out that I'm in no way hostile or hateful to anyone, but am simply not interested in them. So when it came to how I look I really have never cared or put much thought into it. (don't focus on the reason's behind my lack of interest in people because that's irrelevant to what I want help with)

As much as I think that the real world sucks I still know not to simply dismiss it altogether and realised that what people see of me is going to give them their base impressions of what I'm like. If I'm truly going to meet people that interest me I want to make myself look in a way so that they know that I'm the kind of person that might interest them. But now's the part where I'm stuck at. How do I do that?

Now don't in any way think that this has anything to do with looking attractive or even cool, I want to look interesting. I want to look unique and like someone who has interesting things to say. The thing about the real world is that the clothes and things that are accessible are things that would interest the majority and in no way interest me, or would work for what I'm after. I almost want to make my own clothes but that's not something I can do, and I wish that I knew someone who could make specific kinds of clothes for me that would suit the kind of person that I am. I want someone to do the character design for me, like I were a character in an anime/manga...

It gets worse though, I have no idea what I want... When it comes to buying regular clothes I'm never able to find clothes that interest me and with things like my hair I'm totally lost and don't know what to do about it. I tend to feel incomplete as a person, like a writer who needs an artist to make sense of what he's writing (edit; not a very good example), and feel like a lot of major details like this are things that my "other half" would be able to deal with really well. I don't know if I'm just lazy or expect too much but I can never find anything that I'm satisfied with.

So what do I do when I don't even know what I want? I'm so lost in the real world, but I'll eventually have to live in it so I really need to figure this out, it's all such a drag...

2 Name: ILoveHumans<3 : 2015-10-27 06:45 ID:0gsNmMBP [Del]

>>1 Find yourself first~ then find something that interest you like cos-playing anime, after that answer my question : What do you really want to do in your life?

3 Name: Hiraita Kigai!wo3NpPPf6I : 2015-10-27 08:20 ID:ZThLPEbX [Del]

I've been going throught the same thing recently. Lately I've just been trying new things. For example my friend got me into cosplaying. I always said I would never cosplay but I tried it and it turns out I really like it. I also have the same problem with clothes. Nothing interests me so I just wear whatever. You could make your own clothes. I know you said you can't, but you could try to learn. You don't have to get someone to teach you how. You could just play around with fabric- that's what I did and it's actually not that bad.

Anyways, my point is it's always good to try new things; you'll never know what you may end up liking. Unless it's illegal, of course. In that case you shouldn't do it. Anyways, I hope that I helped even a little bit. Good luck! ^u^