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Depression (12)

1 Name: CHROME : 2015-10-26 17:08 ID:2irMthdI (Image: 50x52 jpg, 8 kb) [Del]

src/1445897312526.jpg: 50x52, 8 kb
Long story short, I am unable to see my friends for a while and am couped up in my home, unable to leave it unless there's an event or something my parents can take me to (even just grocery shopping at this point). My friends make up a large chunk of my life, my girlfriend too (but I get to see her every once in a while), and without them, I am left with my own thoughts and anime, a dangerous combination. I often find myself saying things such as "Why is my life so boring?" and stuff like that, and haven't smiled in a while. I've never been depressed before but I just feel really lonely and find myself alone much of the time, rarely conversing with my family. So, Dollars, I'm just lookin' for some moral support, positive replies, that kind of stuff. :)

2 Name: Charis !pVeYKb.kPk : 2015-11-02 15:39 ID:CrU9xfpT [Del]

I think that everyone, at least once in their life, live a moment like this. But the wrong thing to do is distance yourself by the people that love you. If you believe that your life is boring only you can you change your condition. I'm sure that this it's only a fleeting moment. Stay strong!

3 Name: Kirigaya : 2015-11-02 16:47 ID:a+tnBAHw [Del]

true charis but a the same time dont be afrid to express yourself and as always we all stand by u

4 Name: MomoIro Kakarichou!4NcuSThL.k!!YbYzBMqP : 2015-11-04 15:40 ID:EMgx72sG [Del]

i belive we are in similar situations exept my friends atarted becoming distant from me....even internet friends like i am no longer granted a hint of privacy by my parents and te only place left where i can talk freely is here

5 Name: Spade : 2015-11-04 16:56 ID:hJPI9AiX [Del]

Heya Chrome. You seem to be holding strong, I respect you for that as I respect anyone who stays strong because it's a difficult thing to do. I don't know what your situation is or why your being cooped up but I do know this, this too shall pass, even though it may not seem like that now, it will. I live with that saying day to day and every day does pass weather it's good or bad, I can't spend too much time looking backwards, I need to keep my eyes forwards. You will be able to see your friends again and you will get to get your freedom back, it'll take time but in the end it will be worth it. I don't know how long it will take but I do know it will pass so all I can say is to be strong until it does pass.

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: Bastion : 2015-11-04 22:13 ID:br0YgaDl [Del]

>>5 just keep yours eyes forward to when you wont be all locked up and itll pass in no time. but in the meantime just llok for something new on the internet, one thing leads to another and soon youll forget your woes, at least for a little while.

8 Name: Rykero : 2015-11-04 22:35 ID:xgTZQC+7 [Del]

Dude we all go through it, just tough it out. If you think this might have been an underlying condition go see someone for it. I've been diagnosed with clinical depression since I was about 10 because of a chronic illness is you basically describe my thought process.

9 Name: Xelon : 2015-11-05 04:39 ID:+UXGVSaT [Del]

No need to worry, everyday ally of people feel that way, maybe not on the surface
Everyone feels alone at times, Everyone finds their lives boring

10 Name: Minimalia : 2015-11-05 16:49 ID:AYe/SlBh [Del]

hey there, just know that everything will be okay, and if you ever need someone to talk to, i'm also here along with others. maybe you should talk to your family members once in a while? :>

11 Name: Yato!6SSyzd7Qgs : 2015-11-05 18:27 ID:GNmy9Wvy [Del]

Some people might say something like "Get out of the house, do something exciting, go for a walk" I would say the same thing if it applies to your circumstances, which I don't know, so I can't help you, but it sounds like you have something else to do at home and can't leave, or you have some kind of psychological reason you can't leave, so, I can't help you, but I can say that it will be over and you can be with your friends and take care of yourself, so bear through it, and know it will be over.

12 Name: Skadi : 2015-11-06 01:38 ID:MSOy2JU8 [Del]

I don't know your circumstances, but I've gone through a similar phase (I'm almost through the end of it now), after I had surgery. I was physically trapped and unable to do anything for a couple months. I did the same combination of my thoughts and anime.
Anime is great for entertainment, but it's not reality. So if life feels lame, just be sure you're not expecting it to be like that of a favorite character. It is hard though, when life is at a plateau. Sometimes I think of Fate and look at my hands and think "why are you so untalented? why can't you do magic to?" Then this little thought called reality swoops in and reminds me I'm on planet earth. Haha.
That aside. Do hang in there. If you can't physically see your friends or girlfriend, call them; conversing vocally instead of texting can be more encouraging at times. Or, I know it's old fashioned but, write someone a letter. Like, with a pen and paper. Believe it or not, it can actually be fun. And it's something nice for the person on the receiving end.
As for interacting with your family, that can be hard too. Especially when you're stuck at home and literally around them 24/7. But it's also a great opportunity to renew relationships, and discover things you never knew about your relatives. One of my brothers and I hardly (if ever) spoke with each other, and as far as I was concerned he hated me (he did tell me that adults), thus I felt no obligation to interact with him. But after having no choice but to spend time with him, we now have an amazing relationship, and probably know each other better than any of our other siblings. I also grew my relationship with my father and learned of his reckless college days. I even found out that when my grandfather was leaving his ex-wife, she chased chased him a hatchet and smashed it through his windshield as he drove off. Hah.
All that is to say, try not to dwell on all the negatives. Even if there is only one positive, cling to that positive, grow that positive, and look for areas where you can turn negatives into positives. You get out of life what you put into it. Things will get better. I promise! Just keep looking up.
Also, you have a huge support network here, so if you need us, your fellow Dollars are here. ;)