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Crying over C on Exam (4)

1 Name: idon'tknow : 2015-10-25 17:55 ID:8KTWse+z [Del]

Today, I just learned I got a C on my algebra 2 honors quarter exam and I just balled my eyes out.

I have a B- in that class and in asian terms, getting a C means your also basically dead. It's just so much expectations I put on myself that I just can't take much longer. I can't handle it!

I just couldn't believe with all the studying I did with review packets, re-watching example videos and making a thick pile of note-cards.

When my mom came in she just said "you just need to study more, RESILIENCE! Stop crying over it and move on! Other people probably studied harder for that test!"

The thing was I ALREADY KNEW THAT STUFF! I KNEW people would studied more than me and that I just needed to do better. But I gave it my all and still didn't do well.

I know I need to work harder but with everything with PSAT coming up, upcoming ACT, and all my other honor classes in junior year I just can't take it!

Especially since I signed up in Newspaper class and all my classes I CAN'T CHANGE since the school got a new policy.

If only my mom could understand all the stress I've been having but it's all about RESILIENCE and doing better because we aren't doing enough.

I just want to able to cry at the little things, that way later in life I will see how stupid it all was instead of bottling up my feelings and still cry over the small things.

I just remember the last thing my mom said was "SORRY for being concerned over my kid"

I just can't wait later in life where all of this doesn't matter.

2 Name: Memori !EtGKNikV7c : 2015-10-25 18:53 ID:PqEjJrVg [Del]

I just want to congratulate you on passing the exam. A 'C' is passing no matter what anyone says. Good work. Algebra is hard.

I know what it's like waiting until little things like this doesn't matter, and I made it! It comes faster than you think.

If you're really concerned about your math grade I can help, I'm in college pre-calculus now, so I know a thing. And don't worry about this one class, it really won't matter in the future. I know that my terrible highschool science classes that I failed two credits worth and had to take an extra year don't matter at all now. Just take a deep breath and look towards the future away from the four years of hell people call highschool. It definitely will get better.

Anyway if you need help with the maths email me at

And try not to stress about the PSAT it really doesn't count for anything it's just a thing the school system puts in place to see where everyone is at collectively. Call it an ego boost for the administration. I didn't even realize that it was coming up in highschool until the day before. XP

Good luck with your mom. Family can be tough especially the ones closest to you. I actually failed a college level class and my Dad was terrible to me and made me feel like crap for a month. I was dreading telling my aunts because they are the ones actually in charge of my college fund and they just shrugged it off saying that they had also failed a college course. Your mom probably got a C or worse on a test in her life, and just wants you to be better than her. (I actually learned later that my dad had failed college calculus that he needed for his degree not once but twice. Talk about hypocritical.) So one test is no big deal. You did your best and you gave it your all, and that's what is important. Not the grade.

Good luck!

3 Name: ILoveHumans<3 : 2015-10-25 20:53 ID:I6aP9mpr [Del]

>>1 What do you really want grade or knowledge? Humans go to school in order to learn and gain knowledge, Grade is just a representation of your knowledge that you have gain through schooling. So don't go crying into useless thing, you created your grade.

4 Name: Meow9 : 2015-10-25 21:01 ID:tokDfQ9Z [Del]

It sucks to study really hard just to get a low grade. Honestly, it happens sometimes. Last year, I studied for several hours for my pre-calculus semester exam just to get a B. I had studied less for other exams and got A's. Then there's the countless other tests and quizzes I've studied really hard for and got low grades on.

I'm more fortunate because my parents just want me to try my hardest and can accept a C if they know I tried my best. But me knowing that doesn't help because I know my dad brags on me to his friends and I feel like I have to do even better so I can be brag-worthy. I have times where I can be a massive perfectionist, which means I can get really depressed when I don't meet my expectations. I just cannot satisfy myself at times. I have to force myself to say, "An 80 on a math quiz may be a C, but it isn't too bad. There's always next time." You tried your best, so you shouldn't have regrets about it. Its okay to be upset and frustrated, but don't take it out on yourself. You tried your hardest. I applaud you for that.

Your mother should appreciate the massive amounts of hard work you put into your classes. Algebra 2 isn't an easy class, and you're taking honors, which makes it even harder.

I'm a junior as well, and I took the PSAT last year and I'm about to take it again. It's basically what Memori said. It isn't that bad. Don't worry about it.

I'm taking calculus right now (ouch, I know D: ), and feel free to email me for help at