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what am i doing here really? (5)

1 Name: wings : 2015-10-21 23:57 ID:TTMq8KNq [Del]

well it seems like I am just stuck in one place, I really have stopped feeling anything. one of my biggest faults is that I am so really dependent to being in a relationship. i'm just so sad and so stress I just wish things can be better honestly can things really be better even if I am not with anyone?

2 Name: Luna : 2015-10-22 00:15 ID:5DqtiUW7 [Del]

There are lots of things out there that you can do, you don't need the support of a partner to help you be you. Find something that you love doing, a passion, and I bet the more you work with that passion, the happier you will be. Have more than one passion, that's great, more things to make you feel better, and help clam down for a while!

3 Name: Yuki : 2015-10-22 09:13 ID:TfgmmR9r [Del]

Being single is the coolest! ha, I would know. But it means you don't need to constantly spend time with the same person. You don't need someone to make you happy, you can be happy all by yourself.

4 Name: Yuu : 2015-10-23 11:26 ID:t3et+upj [Del]

I've been in several relationships already and they never work out for me (the longest one I've been in was only a few months). I see my friends finding someone to date, and then there's me just sitting there. And I feel great
I don't need to worry about someone else.
Maybe you just don't feel loved? Idk of that's cliche but idk
But as long as you hav friends that will b there for u, friendship is the best relationship you can ask for

5 Name: Aerax : 2015-10-23 12:43 ID:iJUjiCAQ [Del]

If you feel like you can't do anything unless in a relationship, don't try to make it romantic. Friendships last longer than boyfriends/girlfriends. It might take a while to find a person whom you trust and can confide in, but they are out there.
Don't feel bad for feeling like you need to depend on people. You know, it's actually really difficult to be completely independent. Of course, this doesn't mean you can't do things on your own. If you've got the resolve, you'll be fine no matter what.