Dollars BBS | Personal
















Physically Handicapped and Bullied (39)

1 Name: Michael : 2015-10-21 10:08 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

Since this is a personal board I will use my real name.My problem is that I was born with a physical handicap known as malformation or spastic tetraparesis.My left hand is basically useless and if I have a third operation my hand will paralyze from elbow down.Anyway...because of that little thing I have people bully me and I can't tell them anything cause they won't listen.That's Romania for you.Never visit it

2 Name: Yuu : 2015-10-21 10:51 ID:t3et+upj [Del]

I wish you all the best if you undergo the surgery. And don't let those people bother you. They're not even friends are they? So scum like those aren't even worth talking to or explaining to. I'm sure you have someone that will b there for you as you go through this hard process. I'm sure it would b better later on tho!
And don't worry, you hav your fellow dollars supporting you! :)

3 Name: Anime1game2 : 2015-10-21 10:55 ID:vdAMgr8P [Del]

I hope they stop bullying you soon.

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5 Name: Michael : 2015-10-21 11:03 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

>>2 They act like friends,but they aren't and the surgery is impossible.There is 90% chance that my hand will paralyze.My only hope is a prostethic hand.The best prostethic hand for me is from BeBionic,but is expensive as hell and Romania economy doesen't help me. 11,000$

6 Name: X : 2015-10-21 15:39 ID:rAMIHu9m [Del]

Dear Michael

Its nice to meet you Michael.Im not like others Ill give it to you str8.
1st dont be ashamed of thing you can't-couldn't change
2nd bullies LOVE it when you react,they try to feel supirior and most of them have pretty shity lives so go easy on them(most times it's the parents fault)
3rd also when you move you can make an awesome background story about your arm like that you lost it in a knife fight(2cool4me).
4th “A lesson without pain is meaningless. For you cannot gain anything without sacrificing something else in return. Although, if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find you have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle, yeah.. a heart made fullmetal." (2muchanime)
and [Alert Life Advise Incoming] my last piece of advise:
keep your head up high you won't find hope lying on the ground.

If my advise helped you all I ask is to help someone in need when and where you see one.
Good Luck
Yours X

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12 Name: Yuki : 2015-10-22 09:18 ID:TfgmmR9r [Del]

Don't be ashamed of it. It's a part of who you are. I wish you the best if you undergo surgery but don't let those idiots get you down, like @X said They just want a reaction to make them feel good about themselves. The Dollars have your back. Never forget that.

13 Name: Michael : 2015-10-22 12:37 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

Who said I am ashamed.I am proud of my handicap.Is bad that everyone thinks I am weak and can't do anything when I can do many things even if I am handicapped.My dream is to become a model.I know there are models with handicaps worse than mine

14 Name: Top Ramen : 2015-10-22 19:11 ID:JGY0B9NM (Image: 500x281 gif, 494 kb) [Del]

src/1445559099794.gif: 500x281, 494 kb
I usually handle things like this with violence. That's why I got in many fights in my earlier years. I'm not saying you should do that! lol. Honestly I think you should just tell someone. Your parents, teachers, anyone close to you. That's the best advice I can give! Don't let them bother you either. Most people don't know what its like to be handicapped. Including me. Yet I have been in this situation of having people who act like your friend but every once in a while act like an asshole. I ended up just not hanging out with those guys. The only reason I did hang out with them was so I could be 'cool'. And It worked for awhile. I soon realized I was not happy. I left some of my friends that I actually cared about for a fake persona. I don't know if that's what you are experiencing. Although I can relate to the fake friends part that you mentioned on >>5. Anyways, tell someone. Good luck Michael.

PS: If none of that helped. Do this.

15 Name: Michael : 2015-10-23 06:47 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

>>14 I told people.My parents they told me not to listen to them,but I can't do that when they are on my nerves all the time that it give me an instinct of holding that person by neck and strangling it.

16 Name: Yuu : 2015-10-23 09:01 ID:t3et+upj [Del]

Then give them your best death glare. They usually help me.
Nothing says "gtfo" better than intense bloodlust (:

17 Name: Michael : 2015-10-23 09:03 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

>>16 My death glare usualy bring bloodlust along with it.I have violent mood swings.That's another flaw at me

18 Name: Yuu : 2015-10-23 11:23 ID:t3et+upj [Del]

Dw violent mood swings are totally normal- I hav them everyday X)
But it's not considered a flaw if u actually control yourself so it's all good
I don't recommend violence as an answer- just sometimes when it is absolutely necessary~

19 Name: Michael : 2015-10-23 11:28 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

>>18 With my classmates is necessary.They have to be beaten up until they beg for mercy and then you start to beat them up again.Sadly I can't harm anybody.Promised to someone

20 Name: Top Ramen : 2015-10-23 15:47 ID:JGY0B9NM [Del]

>>15 I think you need to learn to not let things get to you so much. Unless this is more serious than jokes about you being handicapped.

21 Name: Michael : 2015-10-24 01:49 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

>>20 Is it more serious

22 Name: Red : 2015-10-24 08:24 ID:0TOV/T77 [Del]

Atunci stai departe de ei. Daca ai un prieten bun, incearca sa iti petreci mai mult timp cu acesta. Incetul cu incetul, nu o sa iti mai pese si nici nu te vor mai enerva colegii tai. Sau concentreaza-te asupra unui hobby. Sunt atat de multe lucruri pe care le poti face ca ei sa dispara din mintea ta, macar pentru ceva timp, incat trebuie sa actionezi cumva. Zambeste. Arata-le ca nu te mai afecteaza. Ca ti-a ajuns sa te consumi pentru ei. Pentru ca ei nu merita. Stiu cum e tara asta... Insa nu toti oamenii sunt la fel. Eu una te sustin.

23 Name: Red : 2015-10-24 08:31 ID:0TOV/T77 [Del]

Si prin colegi ma refeream la acele persoane. Cuvant gresit.

24 Name: Michael : 2015-10-24 08:52 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

>>23 Chestia este ca eu nu am un prieten bun IN Romania.Am numai in alte tari.Ei mereu imi dau sfaturi etc etc.Si chiar nu pot sa nu ma consum.Este in firea mea sa fiu violent.

25 Name: Michael : 2015-11-05 14:34 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

I have the feeling this thing would go worse now.I mean even when I will get older I will be bullied cause my left hand will be shorter

26 Name: Yato!6SSyzd7Qgs : 2015-11-05 19:12 ID:GNmy9Wvy [Del]

if your in school, than tell a teacher about it and they'll probobly get a refferal or whatever you get in Romania, if your not, then do your best to ignore them and stay away from them, just don't let what they say get to you, don't let them hurt you, they can only hurt you if you let them, so don't let what they say get to you and call them out on it.

27 Name: Otaku Atlas : 2015-11-06 00:56 ID:eRcPYaNn [Del]

tell the teacher if your in school
if the bully you outside of the school ignore them and just continue what your doing but if they phisically hurt you first dont hold back crush them with all your might

28 Name: Queenie : 2015-11-06 12:08 ID:gwijXvyZ [Del]

Please tell someone about this......

please stay strong we're here for you

29 Name: Michael : 2015-11-06 12:18 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

No teacher give a crap.No principal no nothing

30 Name: Queenie : 2015-11-06 13:13 ID:gwijXvyZ [Del]

Can family do something about this? Is moving schools an option? No social workers (if there are any) that can help?

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32 Name: Michael : 2015-11-06 13:33 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

In Romania I doubt it.Everywhere is the same.Is Romania for fuck sake.How South Park said "Asshole of the world"

33 Name: Queenie : 2015-11-06 13:43 ID:gwijXvyZ [Del]

Perhaps you can wait it out?? Are you a high school student? How many more years till you graduate??? I know its hard but as they say, it won't last forever. Perhaps with time, you'll be surrounded by more mature ppl...

34 Name: Michael : 2015-11-06 14:43 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

Well I will finish highschool at 19 years old so 2 years

35 Name: Muramasa : 2015-11-07 11:29 ID:ABo8FAGu [Del]

Realize that the bullies are weak, selfish people who only attack you because they are insecure and can't deal with their own problems. All they're doing is trying to take our their anger on someone "weaker" than them, that's why they would target you and your disability. Believe me, you are not, in any way, "weaker" then they are. Your strength towers over those insolent shits. I know it's extremely difficult to just ignore things like this, but try to stick it out. Know that everyone here has your back, they will support you. I hope you can get the finances you need for a prosthetic and wish you lick in your surgery, if you have it. Remember, you have all our support! :3

36 Name: kiki : 2015-11-07 13:35 ID:2AVHviab [Del]

Remember that the person or people are jerks really u should try to move past idiots like them because the people who do that will mess with the wrong person
If I were you I tell them that they should back off they have to have problems

37 Name: Bastion : 2015-11-08 02:06 ID:VCDeisOL [Del]

they mean nothing and they are nothing, and they will probably amount to nothing, dont pay them any mind, because as long as you have friends, even if its just us, youre not completely alone.

38 Name: marta03 : 2015-11-08 11:46 ID:ovjE0iHb [Del]

Hello, Michael.
I hope you doing well. Don't let those bullies get to you. They're just bullying you, because your different. Well.. everyone is. And that'snot a bad thing.
I hope your surgery goes well!

39 Name: Michael : 2015-11-08 12:11 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

For the last time.I won't do the surgery cause I don't want my hand to paralyze