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Relationship help?! (6)

1 Name: NMei : 2015-10-17 01:23 ID:t2GR+kiZ [Del]

The title was slightly misleading, I have a crush. Not just any crush, an internet crush. It's stupid and I know he's older than me. I'm 17 and he's 18, but I still have a little crush on him. Thinking about him makes me want to vomit my heart out. I don't think I should tell him because I want to stay everyones friend...

Side question/story;
Is it okay to have more then 1 crush? The other guy is also internet. I've had dreams about him, relationship dreams. It's weird because every dream I have that's about relationships is in the SAME apartment. The same layout, furniture, everything! I'm a big mess when it comes to guys but could someone guide me and give me advice?

2 Name: unko : 2015-10-17 02:38 ID:IwvfxnGb [Del]

I don't think there's any problem with the fact you're 17 and he's 18 and neither the fact you have more than 1 crush, because a crush is, well, a crush. People do end up pursuing online relationships but only a small percentage would be successful i assume. If you wanna have a relationship with him, get skype and start.

But if you prefer to be friends with him rather than a lover, then stay like that or you'll regret it.

Dreams? hmmm too vague for me to interpret

3 Name: NMei : 2015-10-17 03:09 ID:t2GR+kiZ [Del]

>>2 Dreams such as meeting in real life and falling in love and whatnot. It's kind of weird to explain and the age difference is slightly weird. You see, I just turned 17 and he will be turning 19 pretty soon. Maybe I'm just relationship deprived and need to go soul searching in the real world?

4 Name: unko : 2015-10-17 04:48 ID:IwvfxnGb [Del]

>>3 Well your soul searching has already begun. Love comes in many forms as they say it.

Meeting in real life hmm well. There is the context of the dream I'd need to know. But from my knowledge so far of this, I could say that you're reaching the climax/conclusion of this very soon. In other words you're going to come to terms with him. But I wouldn't justify it'll turn out like the dream shows, it could even be the opposite but I'm not one to say it yet. In regards to him being older than you hmmm I know where you're coming from. On the internet, even a 1 year age gap is considered big. That's pretty unreasonable seeing you can't even tell in the real world.

I'm guessing you guys have never gotten on cam? I'd start with that and which ever turn it takes, it'll most likely be for the better.

5 Name: Atsuya : 2015-10-17 11:40 ID:aK1z1uun [Del]

First of all, it doesn't have any problem you having more than one crush, you can feel attracted to more than one person, and you doesn't have any compromisse with this crush , so don't feel guilty for your feelings, they are all important :D. About your age and his age, this doesn't matter, like i know a couple that have 5 years of difference in their ages and love each other. Now about how to help you get more intimate, i can't say my opinion because i don't know the context, so if you feel comfortable to detail your situation, i could try to help you. About the dreams, i don't know how to interpret, but i think this is a form to you materialize your wishes. I already dreamed with me crush too and was kind of weird. I hope my comment helps you in some way.

6 Name: Orihara Izaya : 2015-10-17 13:35 ID:BtKhS/a6 [Del]

really? You're 17 and he's 18. So what? Go tell him. So what he's older than you? Only by 1 year ! go tell him that you like him and hopefully he'll say the same to you.