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Help (8)

1 Name: Shichirou : 2015-10-15 01:14 ID:QsvKhMUk [Del]

I have a friend who self-harms in any way she possibly can.
I find myself being the only one actually making and effort to make her stop, and she refuses to tell her parents or ask them for help even though she clearly needs it from more than just me.
At first, I thought I was good enough to help.
But it started getting worse and worse, to the point where the stress of trying my best to help and still failing to keep her from cutting forces me into anxiety attacks.
She recently admitted that she tried getting drunk to make herself happy (shes not old enough to drink), to which I replied negatively.
This is probably the most aggressive I have ever gotten when discussing her habits, but the stress weighing down on me just kinda burst.
I don't understand why she would turn to pain to get rid of her stress when I have made it very clear that I am here for her, when she knows that what she's doing isn't good for her.
I feel like I'm just not good enough to help.
I'm freaking out because she won't respond to my texts and all I can do is just apologize and beg her to not hate me for getting mad, but I'm so scared that I've fucked up to the point where nothing I say will matter anymore, and I'll lose one of my most precious friends.
Please, I need advice on how to get through this in one piece.

2 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-10-15 02:35 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

Your friend is being very inconsiderate, BUT you know instead of trying to help her directly, why don't you tell her parents or tell your parents or tell someone trusted that can help her out? That's probably the best you can do. She might hate you for it, but in the end she'll thank you.

3 Name: Neko : 2015-10-15 04:53 ID:l6wUc3NE [Del]

The parents might be a part of the problem too
better find out before you do anything

4 Name: Mister : 2015-10-15 06:43 ID:FTDcFSlq [Del]

Communication is important, let her know how much she means to you, and tell her how your feeling, then try to find why she's feeling this way as opposed to just trying to make her stop. If you can solve the problem, you can help her, and if she knows how you're feeling she might be reluctant to harm herself. She probably just needs to know that she is important to someone.

5 Name: Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-10-15 21:01 ID:VE403Vrc [Del]

You're does need to open her eyes and see that she's making quite a few mistakes right now. I'm sure that whatever she's going through is pretty bad, but she needs to voice the words her demons are telling her, and listen to what you have to say. Because she's starting to sound like that kind of person who's stuck in her own world of despair like she's the actor of her own movie

6 Name: Shichirou : 2015-10-17 01:00 ID:QsvKhMUk [Del]

I need more advice, im sorry.
She told me she wouldn't try drinking again, and then told another friend that she wouldn't stop.
I have no clue what to do from here.
This is currently affecting me so much that I almost had an anxiety attack because some people who I hang out with got drunk.
How do I make her stop if she won't listen to me?
If it has come to the point where she will lie to me about something as serious as this, does anything I do from here really matter?
I'm afraid that if I tell her how this has been making me feel, she'll feel guilty and start spiraling into something even worse.

7 Name: unko : 2015-10-17 01:14 ID:IwvfxnGb [Del]

>>6 You can still do something.

If worse is coming to worst, you'll have to be the one to let her parents know about what's going on. But you'd tell her parents without letting her know. And I assume the parents should be mature enough not to say that you were the one who let them know. However if you feel you're not comfortable with doing this either then talk to a trustworthy teacher, or school councilor if you have one.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-17 11:24 ID:StOiiEt+ [Del]

Honestly, yeah people can be empathetic, but it's also human nature to be self centered. I don't mean to sound inconsiderate cause I don't know what's going on but it sounds like she needs a reality check. I know that sounds weird considering she's already suffering but usually when people are going through malaise, they're also really lost. You need to hurry and just take action- if she's gonna be self-centered then you need to be as well cause she's not the only one going through stress. Best of luck