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School work O_O (8)

1 Name: Ruka : 2015-10-14 01:46 ID:zpdWEwfa [Del]

So this week I am really proud of myself. I was failing four of my six classes and, after a long string of procrastinating, I had two days to finish at least 50% of my classwork in every class. It wasn't easy, and I'll admit I cried over it a lot, but I managed to get it all finished and now I've moved on to my last year of high school.
I guess the point of me telling you guys this, is that no matter how crappy school is and how hard it is, you can't let yourself avoid the work.
Sure, school and classwork and assignments are a pain in the ass, but you know what's worse? Failing classes, repeating a year, having to settle for lower class jobs just because you didn't do your school work, or maybe not even being able to finish school.
It's a pain, yes, but you need to do the best you can. That's all schools really want from you. As long as you put the effort in, you'll be fine.

2 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-10-14 03:17 ID:uZia2YjT [Del]

Fuck, go live in China. Homework everyday. Homework for every lesson. Homework is what friends discuss. Homework.....Homework............Homework................

3 Name: BlueBell : 2015-10-14 05:38 ID:sfcO3+eX [Del]

Thanks. That gave me a push :)

4 Name: Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-10-14 05:41 ID:VE403Vrc [Del]

Thanks for the encouragement Ruka ^^"
MZPIEFACE what the fuck man rofl XD We can't help it, the adults threw all of the kids into a tiny bubble-like cell called School. It's literally all we have before we get kicked out, being expected to be adults XP (also you forgot about the tests)

5 Name: Doskaru : 2015-10-14 05:46 ID:EVYgvDvL [Del]

Sadly, that's the truth. That is what you mostly experience in schools. The problem is, schools values grades more than learning itself. Teachers give out projects and homework but they don't even know if we learned something or not. School is great because of it's purpose of education but the system itself isn't favorable.

6 Name: Colorless : 2015-10-14 21:58 ID:HmqNcdeQ [Del]

Thank you. I'm in college right now and I've got a lot right now on l=my plate and it's mid terms currently for me. I've got three tests coming up within the next two weeks and reading this made me remember, there are others out there who have homework too. and I loved how you admitted you cried. I sometimes feel like breaking down and crying too. this helped me be able to cry to get over crying and keep going. thank you

7 Name: Random User : 2015-10-14 23:15 ID:xcqgkin7 [Del]

As a university student who suffered alot during high school, I want to add, that even if things happen to go south and your future start to seem uncertain, remember that you have got a long life in front of you, and the only thing that can stop you is yourself.

I stopped caring at highschool and my grades started to suffer. I had to take 3 terms after highschool to re-do alot of the exams, get better grades and try to do different entrance exams to different colleges. Today, I appreciate the fact that I didn't give up back then. Time flies by anyway, using it to persue your own passion is never wrong.

8 Name: SiKing : 2015-10-15 00:10 ID:snZSwbFi [Del]

High school Senior here. I've struggled through procrastination my entire life and recently it's hit an all-time high, which is deadly. "Senioritis" has definitely struck. Anyways, I'm stuck here in a muddle of applications and college app essays, not to mention regular schoolwork and trying to finish a big project. It just all seems like so much, and with some personal shit going on recently, I've just lost all energy and motivation to do anything.

Really all that's happening now is me sitting here with a blank word document in front of me, trying to write an essay that could make or break my future.
It's terrifying,