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Need some Advice (4)

1 Name: Zershare : 2015-10-11 20:11 ID:NM6Re7lC [Del]

Hello there, sorry for wasting your time on this but I really would like to hear some advice. I want to get a piercing, on my eyebrow. But I am an idiot so I know nothing about this, should I buy the piercing first and then go get the pirced or what? Does it hurt? etc, things like that

2 Name: Owl !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-10-11 21:41 ID:VE403Vrc [Del]

Well first off, you're sticking a sharp needle through your skin, so I'd imagine it'd hurt if you some professional is merciful enough to smear some sort of numbing agent all over your eyebrow.
Also when I was real smart and decided in the middle of the night that I wanted to get two more piercings on my ears (it was worth it though) I took a safety pin and stuck the sucker right through.
Obviously I did some research before hand and read that you sanitize all of your equipment if you're doing this solo. Also to answer your question, you should put your eyebrow piercing on as soon as possible! And that you should keep it there for a little over a month so your hole doesn't close up. Yes, even it's looking a little red and swollen because that normal. But if it bleeds to much, or if there's puss, immediately see a doctor!
Just wander around the internet and actually talk to professional about this. I just told you what I already know.

3 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-10-11 21:42 ID:uZia2YjT [Del]

You wasted my time :|

4 Name: Aten : 2015-10-12 03:05 ID:qjUP4GdO [Del]

When you go to the peircer they will put one in your perircing as soon as you get it then you pay for the jewelry but I don't see why you couldn't bring one in and tell them I want this put in but the person might not like this, you van call ahead and ask