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Highschool dropout? GED? (4)

1 Name: Seiya : 2015-10-07 14:17 ID:t2GR+kiZ [Del]

Okay, I'm nearly 18 and I'm way too behind to be able to catch up. I've thought about my options and I figured I'd get a GED and go to a community college early. My mother thinks different. She doesn't 'approve' of me doing something of the sort but within a year, I'll probably be confronted by my guidence counselor and she will explain to me the same plan. I know this. I don't want to face something like that and take matters into my own hands. Does anyone have some advice? Is there any dropouts on this website?

2 Name: Khersy !UKCNWE97ds : 2015-10-07 16:05 ID:G7lFmEhA [Del]

Personally, I'm not a drop out, but I do have close friends who are. From what they've done I'd say that if you know what you're wanting to major in, and a diploma won't get you where you want, then go for it. Just be sure you have most everything planned out and don't have any doubts about what you're doing.

3 Name: Seiya : 2015-10-07 17:00 ID:t2GR+kiZ [Del]

I'd like to major in architecture, and I do have it all planned out. There are colleges in my area that accept GED and will get me to where I want. The thing is, my mom doesn't approve of me doing something like this. I have no idea why either! I've already brought up the path I want to take and she just takes me as a joke. She shrugs me off and made me write on paper that I wouldn't bring up such a stupid request again. I really don't get it. What's so bad about me wanting to do something different about my education that will benefit me?

4 Name: Khersy !UKCNWE97ds : 2015-10-07 20:10 ID:t2zsbFSI [Del]

Have you asked your why she doesn't approve and gotten a REAL answer out of her ? If you havent, then I honestly think you need do what you want to do in this situation. Youre old enough to make most if not all of your own decisions and this is one thats 100% your call, after all its your lifes future. But just listen to forums, especially not me cuz once again, I never went through what you did, only seen others.