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Need Help. (5)

1 Name: Vox : 2015-10-06 20:07 ID:atuXwP0Z [Del]

Hello, um I don't really know if anyone will help but here I go. Recently, I was informed that a friend of mine is being forced to switch schools. This friend of mine moved houses during the summer as well. The problem is that the place my friend lives in is not in our area, yet my friend still goes to my school. The head chairman of the schoolboard found out about this and now forcing my friend to switch. I personally do not understand why my friend has to move because the drive to school for my friend is 15 minutes long and this is our last year together. We graduate this year. For my friend, it means so much to them that we could graduate with everyone that we knew back in elementary and middle school. It means everything to my friend. I want to know if there is anything I can do to help them stay. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

2 Name: Nick-o : 2015-10-06 20:43 ID:5bBIzjhb [Del]

You can always ask the schoolborad why they are making him move to a different school and try to fix it, if that helps at all

3 Name: Neko : 2015-10-06 20:45 ID:22w4AK+l [Del]

Depends on which country & school you're in, but you can try and gather up signatures from fellow students and petition against the chairman
Not really sure if this will work, but you can try
Hope that helps

4 Name: AEvAKt : 2015-10-06 20:54 ID:zm/dPpnP [Del]

Exactly as Neko said. Also, try and get as many people as you can involved.

5 Name: Neko : 2015-10-06 21:00 ID:22w4AK+l [Del]

Oh, wait I just remembered something
If there's such a thing as PTA (parents-teacher association) in your school or something like that, you can persuade them to mediate for you