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Another School Shooting. (3)

1 Name: [ The Ghoul ] : 2015-10-05 13:17 ID:4unEyHr9 [Del]

There has been another school shooting. I live in Washington and hearing about the Oregon mass-shooting just makes me angry and just sad.

There are a few things that i believe need to be talked about real quick, because when you're going through life and going through school everyone believes college and schools are 100% safe. No, they are not. With how society is lately and the rise in school shootings, schools are as safe as any other place. If you are a student, here are a few things you should keep in mind.

1. Keep an eye out. If someone at your school or college is being suspicious then please make sure to report them to the college or school you are going too. Remember to be aware of your surrounding, we tend to go through our days mindlessly as humans because we become so use to routine.

2. If you have seen a friend or fellow student that has been making threats about doing something to hurt themselves or others again contact the school or even the police, and be there to help them. A lot of the times school shootings are caused by a person or persons being bullied, problems at home, or even social problems. Some other times it's hard to say why these students did such things. Now if your friend i threatening to hurt themselves talk to them, there may be a way to help them, but depending how urgent the situation is contacting someone may need to happen.

Now I'm not saying report a your friend or a person because they are having a bad day, because we would get no where. If you have a friend that is having a hard time at home or is being bullied help them. Talk with them, stand up for them, or just ask them how their day went.

Again, just be aware of your surroundings and help one another. We live in a word full of death, it surrounds of everyday, and if there is a chance to save a live by just asking how someones day went then I hope we could all do that.

Lets us help.

-The Ghoul

2 Name: OroseC !puodSbGaRU : 2015-10-05 13:43 ID:v0rcXq9S [Del]

There is a teacher at my school that teaches his student how to handle school shooters in a certain way, and it sounds kinda fun. But you ned the whole class to participate in order to succeed.
1) Everyone goes to wall closest to door so shooter can't see you.
2) If shooter gets in the class room, everyone goes for him. Straight for the legs and most importantly, get the firearm out of his hand, they are helpless without it.

This is all part of the "OODA LOOP" which is:
ANd you use your greatest power which is numbers to get them on the ground and take their weapon.
Now, I know what you might be thinking, but this plan is better than sitting under your desks waiting to get shot. Plus, with the combination of positioning yourselves in a place where they can't see you at first, and then all of you coming out at once will catch them off guard so no matter what you have an advantage.
What's that? You're afraid of risk? Maybe you should look up the definition of living.

3 Name: Neko : 2015-10-05 13:52 ID:huhoYwIQ [Del]

Sadly, schools don't give a damn and police will treat it as a joke if there's no apparent signs