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I Wish I Was Selfish (6)

1 Name: Clay : 2015-10-03 07:54 ID:KIDP40ZB [Del]

From an objective standpoint suicide is selfish. There isn't any way that you could explain suicide that makes it seem otherwise. You're throwing out the opinions of others and ending your depression while causing it for the people who cared about you. Only problem with my opinion on suicide is I wish so badly that I could just be selfish.

2 Name: Noboruu : 2015-10-03 17:57 ID:z/Cu2R5j [Del]

I hope you never become selfish then :/ do you mind me asking what's wrong? :/ I want to help if I can somehow, if you prefer to speak in private you can send mean email I'll answer ASAP:

3 Name: butekkusu : 2015-10-03 18:37 ID:ZuyCpL3v [Del]

Suicide is only selfish when you have people in this world whose lives would crumble if you died, and even then it won't necessarily be only selfish.
I don't have depression, nothing really good or really bad has ever happened to me; I am not going through life suffering, but I can't say I'm enjoying it either.
With no hopes or dreams for the future, no aspirations, nothing that can excite me for a sustained amount of time, going through life on auto-pilot, knowing (as lazy as I am) that I will have to work just to keep myself alive for the sake of those who love me, I have considered suicide as a practical solution.
Some people have greatness in their path or they find it on their own, and some say that the rest of us will have to find meaning in the nice little moments that make up life.
I guess for me that's enough right now but some day it might not be. Real life bores me, without any influence from an ill brain or negative circumstances around me, so why bother? why try so hard?
My monkey sphere at the moment is reduced to my parents. When they both die, I might just go to a hospital and kill myself right there so they can use up my body to extend the life of those who do have good stuff going on, or aspirations and the will to get to that good stuff in their sight.
I know this won't help you directly, Clay, but maybe my perspective can make you see stuff differently
I'll say again that I am not depressed, I don't need help, so let's stay on those who do, okay? :P

4 Name: Neko : 2015-10-03 19:17 ID:22w4AK+l [Del]

My thoughts on this:
There's no such thing as an objectivity in things related to psyche or the mind
Also while it may seem harsh, deep down everyone is actually selfish. They may say it's not good to do this or that, but have they really consider the other party's point of view?
But remember, if you can still wish for something, that means you still have at least one reason to live so don't be hasty~
-When you're confused, take an afternoon nap with the cats-

5 Name: NZPIEFACE !!XI8GEi6V : 2015-10-03 20:22 ID:j9MFqM4M [Del]

Making a thread it self is selfish because you make an old thread disappear.

6 Name: Cynical TIme Traveler : 2015-10-03 20:25 ID:Njw31jI6 [Del]

<Don't you dare kill yourself. You want to waste a perfectly good life? A life some people will never have because they didn't want death yet it came for them? you want life to excite you? then go do things, get out of your comfort zone, in the end if you commit suicide the only person you can blame is yourself. It angers me that you would end your life when things just seems "boring", besides who are you to say that no one really cares about you that much?