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Moving (8)

1 Name: Jolly : 2015-09-30 19:35 ID:IlYHxKRk [Del]

So im a 16yr old. im currently in a school where people actually accept me and be nice to me. No one is being mean or racist to me here. I love it. But now my parents is making me move. and im sad, depress. I dont know what to do with my future anymore. Im socially ackward, im not pretty, and im like literally a freak.

2 Name: Jolly : 2015-09-30 19:38 ID:IlYHxKRk [Del]

this is like my almost 10th school. IDK why i didnt get use to it. but im litterally going in depressed/

3 Name: Jackal !cL.gmKE9/Q : 2015-09-30 23:44 ID:bJ2E5Znd [Del]

I've never experienced this kind of thing myself but nonetheless this is my advice to you. No matter what happens keep a positive outlook. If you worry too much about things that have happened of could happen you can miss out on what's right in front of you. Be happy and satisfied for being you.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Shiruka : 2015-10-01 06:00 ID:/6f4lEAT [Del]

Have you watched INSIDE OUT? You have a somewhat similar situation with Riley. I have literally no advice. So sorry.. I just hoped you'd see what happened to Riley at the end

6 Name: uramayashi : 2015-10-01 06:46 ID:O17E5Bkw [Del]

I was in a sort of similar situation, but the opposite way. In my 5th school I finally spent my last year of school with nice people and no one was racist, everyone was supportive (I guess). Before that I spent time in schools that treated me and some other students like trash, one of the worst schools was where not only the students would bully you, but the teachers would as well and they could get away with it.

Even if you are moving schools, it's not guaranteed you will end up in a nice one. But as a person who's finished school, I would say that I've gained the most experience of the world than any one of my classmates from all my 5 schools could ever have achieved. You are lucky but you are also unlucky. Some people do chose to make every situation they're in optimistic even when it's hard. But what you experience is difficult. Changing schools would put me on the verge of tears. I'm also a freak, in a few schools I was a freak of nature and in others i was a talkative or quiet person randomly, socially awkward either way.

But believe me when I say, you are gaining something no one else will ever get in their life time, or not early like you. That is, so long as you choose to take up the situation as a benefit to you.

My first school was somewhat posh and taught me about my bad habits and my strengths. 2nd school was where I learnt about the harsh reality the world had to offer. I learnt the cruel side of humanity and I learnt that I had a significant ability, almost like a light. I also learnt about friendships. 3rd school taught me freedom and family. 4th school wasn't actually a school, but distance education where I stayed at home for 4 years on my own. I learnt patience, humbleness, perseverance, motivation, becoming independent. My 5th school taught me about the good side of the world, the good world that was almost naive. I also learnt about the various opportunities available to me. These are only the few things that I have listed, I learnt way more than this in all of the schools. One school cannot offer you everything.

I don't know why your parents want you to move, their reason might be really stupid like how my parents' one were. But thanks them once you've finished school.

Of course, it's difficult making friends every time but think about it, you get better at social skills every time even to some degree.

And one more important thing, there is no such thing as a reset button.

7 Name: jolly : 2015-10-15 12:44 ID:6M0HMaNL [Del]

Thanks everyone. It help me. uramayashi I guess im not as tough as you. I don't learn much with all these schools because I lock myself into my own world. Im just not strong enough

8 Name: drey : 2015-10-15 21:14 ID:hNIQVG3b [Del]

hey Jolly i know moving feels like the end of the world, trust me i know, i have moved like 9 times i think and im 16. it gets better once you find a few friends in the new town or place that you live at it will feel like home. you will miss your old friends, your old school, your old life, but you wont as much as soon as you give the new area a chance i hope this has helped a little.