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Is life worth living? (7)

1 Name: J : 2015-09-30 12:07 ID:I/0Vi0uN (Image: 291x343 jpg, 18 kb) [Del]

src/1443632867070.jpg: 291x343, 18 kb

My parents forced me to do some heavy athletics when I was at the age of 7-11. At the end I lost so much time because of the 2-3 hours practice 3-4 times a week and homework consumed the other days. (My parents were and are pretty strict about the use of electronics, thus I had little time with it). I had to quit the athletics team, because I started to collapse in tears when the thought of how my younger days would be consumed by me doing something against my will past my mind. The next month my parents got me into fotball, but I quit. Then there was sports, which I stayed in for about 2 years, and I had badminton along that, which took most of my spare time too. (Hmm... This seems familiar). I eventually got to quit the sports club and I could just practice badminton.
It was pretty chill, for me. 2-3 times a week with each session being about 1 hour or so. But, fucking surprise, my parents wanted me to take part of national tournaments. So that happened, against my will (as always). I've practiced badminton for over 3 years and I am still a part of the club. And I'm still being forced to go to every single fucking practice and all nearby tournaments. By the time I joined badminton (when I was 12 years old, I think) I started to develop a depression, which I still carry with me. It wasn't just the practices that did this, it was mostly my accidents and bad choices that was formed into memories that gives me PTSD symptoms. Did things that I didn't know was morally right and/or embarrassing in the past. I've tried to seek help for this, but I was denied treatment, since my parents deemed it to unnecessary. (You need both guardians approval to get treatment in my country)

So... I have that forced exhausting shit to bare, my shitty past that haunts me and some bad choices that follows me to this day.

[Insert the title here]

2 Name: Kisuke : 2015-09-30 14:37 ID:kU1/RBc7 [Del]

Life is worth living. I know it must stink having your whole life being forced into something that's different from your mindset, but eventually you'll be an adult who won't need to be restricted to what your parents say anymore. And for the time being, just make the most of sports or badminton or whatever works for you. Seek refuge in something.

3 Name: ZeroCoolX !7ZlSmRDT4s : 2015-09-30 14:58 ID:otqDhGFA [Del]

Do what you can. Make your own choice. Don't let your parents control you unless you agree with their reason too.... blah blah blah.

4 Name: ZeroCoolX !7ZlSmRDT4s : 2015-09-30 15:01 ID:otqDhGFA [Del]

btw. life is worth living. Once you get your freedom and start socializing by making your own life choices you will start to enjoy the benefits in life. Its the small things that count.

5 Name: Eica : 2015-09-30 15:34 ID:Rs6Fo6SB [Del]

You have a shitty past? I'm sorry, to bad and welcome to the club :p
Life can be worth living, if you make it worth it :)
Sounds cheesy but you've got your whole life ahead of you! Think of all the things you can do.. Get your own place, a job, fall in love, make your own family, traveling, friends, helping others.. etc.

Do you know what makes you happy? Do you have any dreams?
Why not do what makes you happy, and work to make your dreams come through?
You've only got one life, so do what you want with it as long as it doesn't harm anyone else :)
And hey, if you really feel like this is the end for you regardless, make sure you do every single thing you've ever wanted to do. Do the silly things, the stupid things, the kind, the dangerous, the scary, the sad, the courageous and then, lastly, reflect on your life and everything you've done so you can die feeling content, happy and with no regrets.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2015-09-30 16:40 ID:vi1dnyZp [Del]

I've been in the same situation,so I can give you some advice: Talk!
Nothing will change if you don't do that. Just have a honest talk with your parents and maybe talk with your coach. Never give up, because if you only talk about it once, they won't take you seriously. Remind them regularly of what you want.
These problems usually take a lot of time to solve, so you'll have to be patient. Although it might take a year or so, it will be worth it.

7 Name: Monster : 2015-09-30 21:02 ID:A0je/Rez [Del]

Yeah long as your not a vegetable