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One Hell of a Year (15)

1 Name: M : 2015-09-29 11:02 ID:xXwlRNSo [Del]

Hello fellow Dollars. Let me start off by stating that while the title does say "One hell of a year" this crap has taken place over the span of less than a year. The story gets really complicated and I would like to keep everyone's identity anonymous, so I will refer to different people by their initials.

Where to start?

About a year ago, I was involved in a group that I considered to be my friends. Sure we were weird, anime loving, stressed teens, but there existed an unhealthy dynamic. We had an air of slight pessimism and depression that fed from each other. At one point, I made a mistake that I do regret but at the same time, if it were not for that mistake, I would be the same as I was back then and possibly even worse off. Anyway, this guy in the group, AC, for whatever reason had it out for me. I have no idea what I did to piss him off, but he just hated me. He used my mistake to turn everyone in that group and my closest friends against me. As a result, I was a social recluse for the rest of the school year, focusing on keeping myself sane. I was diagnosed with depression and social anxiety and I take medication for it today. I don't even know why I'm even posting this, but I feel like this is a story to get out. Eventually, I found out a person I though t I could trust, and was also loosely connected to that group, JZ, had been spying on me for AC. The hope was to get me into enough trouble to run me not just out of the school, but also possibly out of town. It was a crazy fucking witch hunt. It sent my paranoia into high gear. I eventually found a chat log that detailed those people conspiring against me. No surprise, it set off a panic attack. The amount of rage and hate, as well as the manipulation was disgusting. AC scared everyone to turn against me, my crush KH, a close friend AQ, my best friend KC. No one would reasonably believe me that this is all because of this one person's hate. That this conspiracy existed. Shit... my past year has felt like some anime or tv show. None of what has happened should have happened. My family and I have done what we could to protect ourselves.

Since school let out, things have been quiet, however my family and I still have to deal with the after effects of this, even through to now. While revenge or some vigilante justice would be great, there is no way I could put anything into action. I'll be lucky enough to walk away. Everyone has moved on, but I am stuck to pick up the pieces.

i've seen so much of people's true nature. AQ has a subconscious predatory nature, looking for people with some sort of psychological twist like depression or something. AC is a psychopath in many respects, and not the ones you think about with the knife and Halloween mask. There is nothing but rage, hate, and wrath in his soul. My best friend, KC, betrayed me with all my other friends, but I can forgive him because I know who he is, and he is not a bad person. I can't help another good friend, AW because they have chosen to remain friends with AQ, as AQ feeds off AW's twist in their mind. It's all fucked up mind games / spy games. Crazy huh? Trust me, you would not believe it until you have experienced it.

I apologize for being so ambiguous but I am still not ready to write in specifics what has happened. All I feel you should know is that my life has been difficult for the past year, and I would like some support. Thanks.


2 Name: Jackal !cL.gmKE9/Q : 2015-09-30 00:54 ID:9BY8mkwo [Del]

My first suggestion is trying to diffuse this issue by communicating with them but I'm sure you've already done this by now. Another option could be that the next time you are confronted by one or any of them saying that you don't care what they think of you as long as they leave you alone. I don't know what stemmed this entire issue but try to reflect on why they are reacting the way they have instead of immediately assuming the role of the victim in these situations. What is it that you said or did? What could their reasons be for acting this way? Think about those things and you may find an answer. Hope that helped you out.
Not everything is black and white but those very elements can be found in each other.

3 Name: [ The Ghoul ] : 2015-09-30 02:03 ID:nlK3ywoV [Del]

I'm sorry to hear about all of this. Things will hopefully even out, though with what it sounds like it may be hard. Though in order for us to understand you have to give out details though that is up to you. Maybe we could help.
It sounds like everying seemed to crash down around.
So lets us help. If you liked email me, maybe i could do something.

Don't give up.

4 Name: daremo : 2015-09-30 04:44 ID:2XP9lkBX [Del]

I know it might not be much comfort, but remember (in the words of Celty):

"The world isn't as cruel as you make it out to be"

Things seem pretty crappy right now, but school isn't forever. There's a bigger, better world beyond it, and it gets so much better. Trust me on that.

5 Name: Hudey : 2015-09-30 05:17 ID:O17E5Bkw [Del]

If you need some support or help, you can ask some of the Dollars irl who might wanna help. Just having someone there for you can make a big difference.

6 Name: Hudey : 2015-09-30 05:18 ID:O17E5Bkw [Del]

Maybe around your area or something

7 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-09-30 06:15 ID:j9MFqM4M [Del]

>>1 TBH, I lost my shit and started laughing when I saw those initials. I just kept thinking of game titles and things to do with games.

>>2 I think this would be the worst advice ever given on this site.

8 Name: M : 2015-09-30 16:33 ID:xXwlRNSo [Del]

Thanks everyone. It makes me feel better you guys can bring reason to this. I appreciate it.

9 Name: Monster : 2015-09-30 21:10 ID:A0je/Rez [Del]

I had 2 good friends die this year one ended up a vegetable getting the plug pulled are a car crash he wasn't driving some drunk guy an the other guy Bobby feltin my fishing friend you can find on goggle a pic of him pop up tell you who he was he had jaw cancer

10 Name: Jackal !cL.gmKE9/Q : 2015-09-30 23:55 ID:bJ2E5Znd [Del]

>>7 Offer M some other suggestions or ideas to try.

11 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-10-01 07:22 ID:j9MFqM4M [Del]

>>10 Okay, avoid the shit outa them and just take the bullying like every other bullied kid. DOES NOT DEVELOP CHARACTER. Honestly, you don't have the power/resources to fix this, nor do you have anyway of getting them, trying and failing will ONLY make it worse. Don't take chances in life, you'll fuck up.

12 Name: Jackal !cL.gmKE9/Q : 2015-10-01 08:22 ID:bJ2E5Znd [Del]

>>11 Don't take chances? Practically everything has a form of risk, going through life avoiding conflict is not going to happen. Acting like your problems never happened doesn't undo them, confront them and find a constructive solution. It seems like you're speaking from past personal experience but please do not cloud others with bias, you'll only lead them to make the same mistakes. I also encourage you to make the decision I confront your problem instead of letting it haunt you.

13 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-10-01 18:38 ID:j9MFqM4M [Del]

>>12 Don't take chances that would most likely lead to you being bet the shit out of. I honestly think that being bullied is better that having broken bones everywhere.

14 Name: Jackal !cL.gmKE9/Q : 2015-10-02 20:53 ID:9BY8mkwo [Del]

>>13 I don't know if these people are violent or not but given the situation M has described it doesn't seem that they're enraged psychos out for his blood. Even though my suggestion is confrontational I don't see how it could lead to them physically attacking M. Whatever he decides to do I hope it works out.

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