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Talking to Myself (2)

1 Name: Anonymouse : 2015-09-24 00:01 ID:2dw1oBwR [Del]

I've been reading my textbooks out loud lately to help me understand the material better. This has helped with understanding, but worsened by ability to read in my head (it's a lot fainter and therefore more difficult to fully process). I've created a bit of a habit now of thinking out loud (not all of the time, mostly when I'm alone so as not to bother people). I don't have conversations with myself or any sort of exchange really. The best example I can think of is when I start counting in my head and then I can hear the counting in the background of whatever I'm thinking (this unintentional counting only goes up in one's). When this happens I tell myself to shut up. I used to yell it in my mind, but it's never loud enough to make me lose track of the numbers.

Does anyone have any advice for how I could:
-Get back into being able to read well in my head?
-Have more control over my conscious mind
-Purposefully not think about something?

Thank you for reading.

2 Name: Anniz : 2015-09-24 03:06 ID:wVo+ubM3 [Del]

some people read loud because they feel like it it easier that way. so you are not alone about that. it is a change and just like the same way you started to read loud, you have to read quietly to change it back. reading is a tricky task. as in my case. i have ADHD. so i can't read that well when people around me are noisy. just let the words sink into your mind. and imagine the senario. pictures. actions. everything will flow into your mind while reading and before you know it. you have started reading with your mind. but you can't think on a thing with purpose. i know sometimes when you are angry and think damn i hate that about that person. but you donĀ“t really mean it. you just think about it for the moment. i know i sometimes start thinking about other people and how it would be to make out with them even thought i have a boyfriend, i would never cheat on him thought, because there is a fine line between thinking. and acting.
i believe that you can only start a env habit. try reading a book, take the words in. imagine the senario. it could end up you acting with a crazy passion but it is worth a shot!