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I'm pretty out of the way down here. Can I get your input? (1)

1 Name: ChibiChan !BzZCgoDJmg : 2015-09-21 18:13 ID:EJGhjCi7 [Del]

First off, I’d like to ask your opinion of my current situation. I'm not sure how to resolve it and I doubt that I'll settle on a decision soon, but I'd like to get some input.

I moved to Munich almost exactly one year ago, it’s about 600km from where I lived before, although still in Germany. I moved here with my Ex, to be perfectly honest because of my Ex… The Relationship has since crumbled and imploded in a spectacular fashion (note my bitter feelings and resentment). About half a year prior to this my parents moved away about 300km from my old home in the opposite direction and my friends all went off to university as well.
I Attend University here in Munich and to be honest I think the only reason I’ve stayed here in the last half a year since I broke up was because I didn’t want to break of my Studies.
The thing is though, that it’s not really going how I imagined. I’m really beginning to struggle with my studies and I’m unsure if I’ll make it in the long run.
I really miss all my old friends as well. I was back there for a few weeks over break and that brought home how much I really missed them all. I really feel lonely all the way down here. It’s pretty depressing…
What I am seriously considering is moving to Aachen and continuing my studies there. (It is a good University and only an hour away from where I used to live and about 2 from my parents). What I can’t wrap my head around is giving up however. I was always good in School and I mentored my classmates a few times. I would feel truly inferior if they all got their Bachelor and I didn’t.

Anyway, what do you think? I’d love to hear some different viewpoints and opinions. If you’ve ever felt the same I’d also love to hear your stories.

Thank you all in advance,