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Religion? No hate, seriously (20)

1 Name: V : 2015-09-20 12:15 ID:US9g0Y6n [Del]

So I've been wondering about something lately...

I'm living in a country that anything is mostly based on religion, and most of the people here are Muslims, including my fam. I have this one problem though, I think I can't believe in religion anymore. Should I tell my parents about this, or should I not? I feel this urge to tell them, but I'm kinda afraid for the consequences, since I might get kicked out. Any thought about this?

P.S. : it's not like I hate my parents and such, no. I love them very much, and that only cause so much confusion. They have no tolerancies toward apostates, and they always talks bad about them behind their back.

2 Name: Islam : 2015-09-20 12:26 ID:dxFqE0qx [Del]

please brother don't give up Islam i am also Muslim and i know believe it because it has the best rules and has so much evidence if u are having doubts about Islam then please go and research more and watch lectures on you tube i recommend watching ahmad deedat and Zakir Naik. And also please read the Quran and i gurantee you if u read the quran with meaning then u doubts about islam will go. IF YOU WANT TO LEAVE PLEASE BROTHER FIRST READ THE QURAN AND MEANING AND I HOPE U DONT LEAVE.

3 Name: DutchBunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-09-20 12:31 ID:MROn4BE/ [Del]

If you have even the slightest concern that your environment may not be safe if you reveal that you are no longer religious, then keep it to yourself. Otherwise, it's up to you.

4 Name: V : 2015-09-20 12:45 ID:US9g0Y6n [Del]

>>2 wish it's that easy, mate. I know people would say that, but thanks anyway

>>3 thanks for the advice. I'll keep it in my mind

5 Name: JC : 2015-09-20 13:28 ID:+9EVKeSQ [Del]

Maybe it's the rules you're worried about. If it's that,then be true to yourself and don't believe. Try... having a relationship with Jesus Christ instead.

6 Name: unko : 2015-09-20 15:47 ID:RjSlY+zs [Del]

well, you'll get just as much hate as a gay guy coming out. If I were in your position (which i hope not to ever be in) then I would keep it to myself. Living your life as a 'lie' is better than getting detached from your family. You can be true to yourself when you're not around your them. I wouldn't worry about acting fake around them. And in any case, we act fake around anyone want to keep.

Now that I've given some advice, is it alright if you specify what part of all this makes you want to leave Islam? I won't hate don't worry.

7 Name: Cerberus : 2015-09-20 16:26 ID:BH4aXfS6 [Del]

As one who also lives in a pretty religious country, and as a gay also, I know your siruation very well, and I decided not to tell my parents about me being a gay until I don't have to rely on them for money, house etc.
I am almost sure they will love me as I am no matters what will happen, and yet I don't really want to know their answer and opinion, because I am afraid of it, but I will have to do it one day, like you will have to do.
If you only need something, any advice about this issue or any other, just ask.

8 Name: V : 2015-09-20 19:30 ID:9zCHZEuD [Del]

>>6 it's hard not to fake it when you're not with your parents if you are a girl, that's why I consider telling them.
As for why, it's just I can't grasp the concept of God people believe in. It all sounds like a tall tale to me. And also, thanks for the advice.

>>7 so it's better telling them later, eh
Thanks for your advice and offering

9 Name: Samehada : 2015-09-20 19:56 ID:/A0tRRyF [Del]

Hey V. Personally, I'm a Christian, and I believe in Jesus Christ with all my heart. All I can tell you is to do what you believe is right for your situation right now. Do what would be safest. And when its safe for you, I would read Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis. I'm glad that you're looking away from Islam, but I'm saddened that you're giving up on religion for good.

Just to let you know, no matter what you decide I will love and support you, and I pray that you will be safe, even though I don't know you personally.

Love, Samehada

10 Name: unko : 2015-09-21 00:25 ID:RjSlY+zs [Del]

>>8 no problem, and i guess yeah it would be hard since you would have to wear a hijab, but whatever works for you. I do want to convince you not leave but it's not in my hands, just good luck on the road ahead.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2015-09-21 06:53 ID:BH4aXfS6 [Del]

>>8 I wish you peace and relief in your life.

12 Name: Ouroboros : 2015-09-21 09:38 ID:n/9Hzt20 [Del]

Try keeping it a secret until you're independent. Then you should make a choice- tell them the truth and risk hurting them(or yourself) OR keep keeping it a secret (what I would choose). In my opinion, if you love your parents, make them happy, even if you know you're lying to them. There is no such thing as illusory happiness, since happiness is passing state of mind.

13 Name: Zaurusu : 2015-09-21 11:26 ID:iBTyYS+2 [Del]

Im muslim too, do not tell your parents, your country is based on islam so leaving the religion is very dangerous,
Bukhari (52:260) - "...The Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' " Note that there is no distinction as to how that Muslim came to be a Muslim.
so you will have to wait until you are older and move to another country,

14 Name: Sanaphira : 2015-09-21 12:17 ID:RXFrirzw [Del]

If it's such an important thing in your country I think it's the best for you to not tell anyone till you're independent.

15 Name: unko : 2015-09-21 14:12 ID:RjSlY+zs [Del]

>>13 this is a realistic approach, I'll also add onto it. If you do move to a non-muslim country know that it becomes a crime if you are murdered for leaving Islam. And If you are not dead by the time you rethink then you can still revert. Just putting tabs on it.

16 Name: celloh : 2015-09-21 14:21 ID:mgvPtqo5 [Del]

You are muslim right? Im muslim too. I think you must tell one of your trustworthy friend but don't tell your parents they can refuse you as a child how old are you if you are 18 or more go tell them then leave the house go to your trustworthy friend I dont know

17 Name: celloh : 2015-09-21 14:27 ID:mgvPtqo5 [Del]

>>13 >>15 >>8 in islam you have right to not to belive but your parents can refuse you as a child of theirs if you choose not to belive

18 Name: Charlatan : 2015-09-21 17:00 ID:txCakpF3 [Del]

I don't think you should tell your parents. I don't know anything about Islam, so forgive my ignorance, and I also don't know anything about how your family would react.
I'm telling you this because I've been sent to the psychiatrist after I casually said I don't believe in God.

19 Name: Merlin_II : 2015-09-21 23:10 ID:6PtE3RR/ [Del]

Unless you're able to support yourself, I wouldn't tell your parents yet. It would be very dangerous if they were to kick you out of their home.

20 Name: V : 2015-09-21 23:41 ID:6bJcwe6K [Del]

>>16 that's what I'm planning to do tbh

Thanks to you all for giving me advice on this matter. I'll consider this again and again