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Is it better to... (5)

1 Name: ZeroCoolX !7ZlSmRDT4s : 2015-09-20 02:47 ID:kAdqkxoN [Del]

Is it better to stay in love for as long as possible or to stay single and enjoy life to its fullest. I just can't seem to understand relationships that easily. Any tips or help I could get?

2 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-09-20 03:00 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

Oh man I totally get you! I always feel the same way!!! Well, I'm sure there are multiple pros and cons to each one, but here's what I think.

I'm really into romance and romantic things, BUT that doesn't necessarily mean I want it for myself. I've realized now that love is super fucked up (everything that goes with it, you know) and I feel like it's not right for me.

Of course, in the case of staying in love for as long as possible, then I think that's a wonderful thing! I believe you should stay with the person you love for the rest of your life. Two people in love must understand each other or else something is going to happen to cause the relationship to break. By not committing to a relationship, you don't have to worry about heartbreak, rather you'll worry more about the disappointment of losing someone you cared for dearly.

Being single and enjoying life is even better. I think you could possibly be held down by the person you are with and being single=independence. You can make your own choices and you don't have to worry about anyone else.

I'm sure being in love is a great feeling, but being single is just as fun. I mean people feel like if they aren't doing something with their significant other, it's basically pointless, but if people come and go, how can you depend on someone to always be a part of your life? You have to enjoy life on your own, you can't let it revolve on who you love.

Relationships are complicated, but life is complicated in general so even though you're single, you still might have to face problems. =/ I mean single or taken, having problems is bound to happen. It's just totally different problems.

Overall, it's really just what makes you happy.

3 Name: Jackal !cL.gmKE9/Q : 2015-09-20 13:48 ID:litrBpeQ [Del]

Here's how I go about the whole trials of love deal: wait and be patient to find that person you share a real connection with, then go for it. Make sure that one fits, works well with you, and ultimately form an incorruptibly strong love for each other. I hope for you that you can find what you seek, ZeroCool.

4 Name: Lash : 2015-09-20 18:44 ID:CPnreDDs [Del]

If you find the person you love the most and share your life with, you'll be living at your fullest!

5 Name: xXTrollzayaXx : 2015-09-20 21:41 ID:hz3fuZmB [Del]

I personally think it's better to stay single and enjoy life to it's fullest because the way I see it people are only there to make you miserable and drag you down.