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Lets talk about love (7)

1 Name: iamgud : 2015-09-17 12:05 ID:OpPL+4iD [Del]


2 Name: Sasura : 2015-09-17 20:47 ID:RG5tE22J [Del]

Well, my love life has gone to shit. The person I love lives in Italy and they won't be returning until February. So I'm stuck here. But before that I was taken advantage of by two useless and pathetic men.

3 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-09-17 22:47 ID:j9MFqM4M [Del]

>>2 GL

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Warp : 2015-09-18 04:34 ID:ptbtBwz1 [Del]

well. i never actually never taken love that seriously. i have only had 2 relationships in my life and the first one was just.. bad.. it was all about lust. it was short but passionated. but my second. the one i am in now is different. i feel shy. and serious. sure i do feel lust from time to time. but i feel like i want to wait because i don´t want this to go too quickly. i am serious this time. and this feeling. is so new and it actually scares me a little. i have been heart broken so many times and i fear that when i finally feel like i gotten a good one. i will be broken once again. not to mention he is a angel compared to me. i sometimes find myself thinking maybe he deserves better. he is so kind and sweet. what am i? i try my best. people have said that we are so cute together. that makes me so happy. i am in love with him after all, and i know he loves me too. but he is so good. he fills me with shame because of all the bad things i´ve done. but i still want him to be here with me.
and that makes me so scared...

6 Name: Death : 2015-09-18 07:02 ID:oZkC/EUY [Del]

I was only with one girl in my live, in the very begining we started to talked and I was falling in love little by little, then we stopped talking and I was 3 months without want to life , the we started to talk again and then she gave mr hope that we will be together, then I waited months after severals no she gave me the yes and now she broke up with me and we stopped talking

7 Name: Museless : 2015-09-18 13:31 ID:Y0t+gZ/1 [Del]

I don't think I've ever been in love to be honest. It's something mysterious to me, and I'm not sure i can tell the difference between a like and a love. I never had a relationship nor was I all that seriously seeking one. I had crushes but nothing ever came of them. Love is something I don't understand but I would like to have someone to love and love me