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Do you ever hate reality? (20)

1 Name: BBC : 2015-09-15 05:58 ID:rByZUZYp [Del]

I'm just sick of it. I know i am going to sound like a complete chuunibyou Who has been watching too much matrix, but just the monotonous nature of, birth, school, work, death. I just wish something interesting would happen.

Sorry, I just had to rant. I've been under a lot of stress.

2 Name: casa : 2015-09-15 07:28 ID:8pGScgah [Del]

I had that feeling lately when I have to go to my part time job for a whole month 12 hours every day. I just go home to eat and sleep and and then I wake up the next day just to repeat the routine. I thought it was really boring and I told myself I don't wanna be like that for the rest of my life. I know life is short but we still have to go to school and work in order to stay alive in the future. That's just how the world goes. Yeah it seems to be boring and I also feel that way sometimes but it's the process that matters. Being born and to die are already given and we are not in control of that unless you kill yourself. What important is your choices on how will you live your short life. You can not go to school if you want or not work if you want or join the avengers if you want but apparently they are not real. Maybe we want something extraordinary to happen but reality isn't just something like that. Sorry for the long rant.

3 Name: Anniz : 2015-09-15 08:18 ID:wVo+ubM3 [Del]

well there is a lot of ways to make your life more interesting!
step 1: cheer up and meet people!
step 2: get best friends. best friends have a tendency to be a bit goofy together.
step 3: remember that the reality is not always as it seems. my life is not like yours and therefore we do not live in the same reality.
step 4: be happy. ^_^

4 Name: Ignight : 2015-09-15 09:41 ID:Kj2lBWPc [Del]

>>3 Meeting people can be a terrible idea, since more than 90% of the people in this world are clearly challenged

real friends are rare as fuck... most people never 'get' one in theyr entire lifespan

World is cruel, but I do agree with the 3rd and 4th statements

5 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-09-15 17:25 ID:9ZMuo7fd [Del]

Reality can be boring as hell. But that's why we have fiction, don't we? Movies, books, roleplaying or whatever means of escapism you prefer.
Also, even if I think of most of this world as lackluster, you shouldn't underestimate reality. Love and friendship do exist though they might be rare, and our planet is beautiful, so travelling can still be entertaining.

6 Name: Carth : 2015-09-15 20:45 ID:p8YUkLZl [Del]

Personally, I find my reality very interesting. Both the company I keep and my job are quite fun.

7 Name: Nai : 2015-09-15 23:29 ID:q+VabrBE [Del]

Oh man, I totally get how you feel. That's the reason why I've been overdosing on anime lately.

8 Name: momo : 2015-09-16 04:25 ID:wVo+ubM3 [Del]

the world is a cruel place with glimpse of happiness hidden within it. you will never find happiness if you don´t try to look for it. open your eyes. see what you have, see what others don´t. shit happens. but love happens as well.

9 Name: The Captain : 2015-09-16 23:58 ID:GPNdqZdc [Del]

>>1 You and me both kiddo.

10 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-09-17 05:48 ID:J2nHgRPH [Del]

Things happen, just not around you, go explore

11 Name: Twisted SIster : 2015-09-17 12:14 ID:oimqzxkj [Del]


12 Name: incompetentinformationbreaker : 2015-09-17 14:40 ID:SjdP49wK [Del]

>>1 I feel you, felt like I had my middle life cries (dont know if i spell it right) at like 13 ..

13 Name: Emoem : 2015-09-17 14:54 ID:SfWTvzGq [Del]

I AGREE WITH YOU 100% I feel exactly the same way. I really just want to be involved with something huge to make my life interesting... though it's really unlikely. I have literally been thinking the same thing. D:

14 Name: Kuronaii~☆ : 2015-09-17 15:21 ID:RY8thrx3 [Del]

Reality is a harsh place and not fun in the slightest. No matter how you change everything stays the same its all boring and painful and cruel. Escaping to fantasy to make that into your own reality is a tempting bliss to momentarily forget. This though has its own issues because when your gone for too long you forget those warm things that well up inside of you and make you feel alive. The things that make us different from the stagnant world of fiction, our feelings emotions and experiences. So you can choose whatever kind of life you like just be aware of the paradise that can draw you in and never let go

15 Name: Monster : 2015-09-17 17:48 ID:A0je/Rez [Del]

Fu%king A i do but what you going do live an do your thing to keep balance in your life to hang on for rough times ahead

16 Name: At Daggers Drawn with the Existent, its Defenders and its False Critics : 2015-09-18 15:58 ID:8pgBFm7e [Del]

Life cannot simply be something to cling to. This thought skims through everyone at least once. We have a possibility that makes us freer than the gods: we can quit. This is an idea to be savoured to the end. Nothing and no one is obliging us to live. Not even death. For that reason our life is a tabula rasa, a slate on which nothing has been written, so contains all the words possible. With such freedom, we cannot live as slaves. Slavery is for those who are condemned to live, those constrained to eternity, not for us. For us there is the unknown—the unknown of spheres to be ventured into, unexplored thoughts, guarantees that explode, strangers to whom to offer a gift of life. The unknown of a world where one might finally be able to give away one’s excess self love. Risk too. The risk of brutality and fear. The risk of finally staring mal de vivre in the face. All this is encountered by anyone who decides to put an end to the job of existing.

Our contemporaries seem to live by jobbing, desperately juggling with a thousand obligations including the saddest of all of them—enjoying themselves. They cover up the incapacity to determine their own lives with detailed frenetic activity, the speed that accompanies increasingly passive ways of behaving. They are unaware of the lightness of the negative.

We can choose not to live. That is the most beautiful reason for opening oneself up to life with joy. ‘There is always time to put an end to things; one might as well rebel and play’—is how the materialism of joy talks.

We can choose not to act, and that is the most beautiful reason for acting. We bear within ourselves the potency of all the acts we are capable of, and no boss will ever be able to deprive us of the possibility of saying no. What we are and what we want begins with a no. From it is born the only reason for getting up in the morning. From it is born the only reason for going armed to the assault of an order that is suffocating us.

On the one hand there is the existent, with its habits and certainties. And of certainty, that social poison, one can die.

On the other hand there is insurrection, the unknown bursting into the life of all. The possible beginning of an exaggerated practice of freedom.

17 Name: Merlin_II : 2015-09-21 23:13 ID:6PtE3RR/ [Del]

Sometimes, especially when I watch too much anime, I feel is horrible and just ... lacking. The only thing I can ever seem to do to make things better for myself at that point is to ask myself: what am I missing, that is in that anime? What is it that I wish I could do? And I work and do my best to be able to have that in real life.

If I want the adventure and the unknown, I go somewhere new, do something sort of risky, etc.

18 Name: Maja : 2015-09-22 03:29 ID:uX6Shu3X [Del]

There is always a time of life where you want to escape reality, but you know:
There is also a time where you love to life.
I unterstand the feeling of having some advanture really good, because I am watching all day anime.
There was also one time, where I thought the same, but when I moved with my family, that all changed. I got some really good friends and a nice school. And suddenly I couldn't be happier. I have also a big family who supports me always. You can escape reality in your dreams as I do, but the happiness in reality is the best thing. Just be patient and maybe become a bit more open for other humans to create good memories with them :)

19 Name: xXTrollzayaXx : 2015-09-22 04:15 ID:QdtP0GHm [Del]

Honestly, I hate life to. This probably doesn't help but I completely agree

20 Name: Lash : 2015-09-22 17:40 ID:CPnreDDs [Del]

I also find life quite boring, but try to enjoy it as much as i can because i know some people don't get that chance!