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Insecurity Issues (5)

1 Name: emoshtions : 2015-09-12 20:23 ID:a8Jhul5H [Del]

So, yea. In class, I'm currently the top 1 and it's a huge leap for someone like me who is the top 9 before. I did my best and I didn't resort to evil things since I don't really have connections. I consider myself as an introvert who has nothing to do with her life except fangirling over yaoi.

So I had this teacher that I met while I was on my way home. He informed me regarding the test and when I went home, I focused on my project which has the deadline the next day and completely forgot to inform my schoolmates regarding the test.

I am now being ignored by my friends before and I can't take it. I know that this is petty but I just wanted help from an outsider.

What's the next best thing to do?

((Feel free to eradicate or sage the thread after someone replied.))

2 Name: cats : 2015-09-13 17:01 ID:BxRHI6cJ [Del]

Tsk . That must hurt . I hope your friends don't jump into any more conclusions. Hm.....I'm sorry , I shouldn't reply without something helpful to say ....Erm...There is normally someone in the school that can help you about stuff like this. You can ask your teacher about it, and if there isn't , you can talk to your teacher directly .If the teacher isn't someone you want to talk to , think about someone else in the school that you do feel like talking to . Even if its someone you're not particularly close to .You can walk up to them and say that you just don't know who else to talk to .
Try to talk/email/text your friends about it .Let them know that it wasn't your intent , how you feel right now, how you still see them as friends and how you need them now.Be as honest as possible.( I'm pretty sure you already did this, and they are ignoring you )
Try to think up of other things you might have done to make them made , as them about it , and say that you're ready to bow down and apoligise. Think up of you're past with them . Great moments , that make you happy . Moments when you were sure you were friends . Try to remind them of inside jokes that only you and your friends have, stuff you discovered together .You also probably have expectation of you're friends that you don't even know of ( sending each other a merry Christmas text, sharing videos , eating with them , pairing up with them )try to remind them of that .
If you're friends are cocky , it could also be time to make new friends ( an almost impossible feat in a lot of places ) I'm not really good at this either . If there is anyone that you know of that's friendly and helpful , with a good group of friends , try to talk to them about how you're friends are ignoring you ,and they might let you in .There are probably other guys in the class that are working hard to get their marks right, try them.I think , explaining the situation to them would help to ) .
Good luck , man . I hope good things happen to you and you won't be maked fun of .Good luck ! If anything happens , tell me, alright?

3 Name: lycanrising !GXcqWm4bbU : 2015-09-14 09:23 ID:7jLKng2x [Del]

Truth is, it'll pass. Yeah, you might have messed up and whatever but give it some time and no-one will care anymore. These things become less important with time and hindsight.

4 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-09-14 18:45 ID:vnyL9SsH [Del]

Time will deal with that, it'll resolve by itself. This experience might be something your friends might bring up later as a joke, so you're better off preparing to deal with it.

But honestly, two questions: What exactly do you mean by top 1? In terms of grades? I don't think being an introvert prevents you from being good at studying.
Also, are you sure they're friends if they shun you for messing up once? That sounds quite terrible to me.

5 Name: Fortune !o3hBg9PyEE : 2015-09-14 19:02 ID:7hRLO/Wc [Del]

Don't worry about it. You messed up. So what? Everyone messes up. It's normal. If you feel bad about it, apologize. If they truly are your friends, then a little slip up won't crush your friendship. Besides, you seem like a cool person to be friends with. You worry about your friendship and it shows that you care.