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Emotions can be great, other times, not so much. (4)

1 Name: Akari : 2015-09-12 12:43 ID:X4UQl2ZV [Del]

I don't know what to do. I say I don't believe in god but right when I'm scared most I go cry for him. I feel guilty. My friend just about a couple weeks ago suddenly texted me saying sorry and that he treats me bad all the time. I told him he wasn't but he didn't listen. Yeah maybe he treated me bad but right along with that he taught me stuff. I felt sadness overwhelm me. I don't want my friends to worry about me. I don't want them to know I'm sad or mad or in pain. If I do I just tell them I'm fine. Because I am. Not like I don't trust them, they say they want to help me. But I don't want to be a bother
They say I'm not a bother but I always think differently.I suck. Heck I cry about the smallest of things and I get selfish and whenever I am honest about stuff I think I get all about myself and I don't pay attention to others problems. I feel like I just need to listen to others problems and not give others mine. I always feel bad. Horrible. Selfish. Everyone says I'm not but I always think I am. I can't stop thinking this. Its so hard. I'm not handling my love either. I'm falling in love with my best friend again. I don't want to! I love him like family! He's like my other family! I'm scared what's gonna happen next. I feel like I can't control myself anymore.I'm starting to get over him but I'm afraid it might grow stronger. He's not talking to me right now so I guess that's good for me. I think I can get over that. Anyway this is just me kinda rambling. Probably no one will read this. And thats fine.idk I'm having emotions mixed with everything and all week at school and at my house its been everywhere. Anyway I should be off now. I'll be back on maybe tomorrow or something. Maybe even tonight. I'm not sure. But, i will see you again. See ya!

2 Name: Ytles : 2015-09-12 14:13 ID:4ymPAc6D [Del]

Hi there, recently I read an article about something like learning how to receive love from people and not just merely giving it. I think by love it also includes accepting the `care` of the people around us. It was a good article and I'd try to post the link if I can find it.
I can relate to most of your musings like not wanting to bother people but I learned sometimes you need to talk to someone you trust, it's not being selfish (I guess), if you open up it's not being selfish to yourself...
I'll post the link, I promise.

3 Name: lycanrising !GXcqWm4bbU : 2015-09-12 15:27 ID:7jLKng2x [Del]

Tell me Akari, does it make you feel better to know we're reading this and listening to you?

4 Name: Ytles : 2015-10-02 04:02 ID:2h5xgqbj [Del]

veryyy late, sorry.