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Failing my grades really bad (5)

1 Name: Maldsier : 2015-09-12 09:56 ID:z0Tnkalz [Del]

my grade go downhill really bad
im supper use to low grades but this time, i failed most of my subjects

i hate this, i've been studying so hard but i feel like the teachers is putting all their stress on us seniors

these old geezer...

2 Name: Mr.Bushido : 2015-09-12 10:35 ID:myQX9pr7 [Del]

Man/girl you'll be good. It sucks in the beginning I know but get to know your teachers a small bit. Once I did that they wanted to help me when they could, hell they even asked if I needed help before and after school(Which cut into their personal time.) Im starting my senior year as well so I get were your coming from. The feeling will pass I think and then we'll get through the year without failure

3 Name: Tokushu : 2015-09-12 15:44 ID:8cc+4gfZ [Del]

Most of the students have failed their courses because they are missing something related to their course from the courses they had in the past. You should check your old courses once before studying the new ones!
If you discover that your problem is beyond that then you should find some value in studying rather then a pain in the ass to complete what society wants you to do!

4 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-09-12 19:07 ID:PkSfTU2O [Del]

Try study without stress?? I think your memory is better like that.

5 Name: mwah : 2015-09-12 20:42 ID:rwAynl72 [Del]

If you go with the advice >>2 and >>3 you'll do fine hopefully. I was at that point, people didn't know how to react to my bad grades so they just kept making me change schools, 3 times. They made a big mistake, I just needed time.

There's a big brick wall in front of you, punch punch punch and eventually it'll fall. Of course it will hurt in the process but this is how every new course should be approached.

I wish you the best of luck Maldsier.