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Im Depressed (28)

1 Name: Sucide : 2015-09-09 11:33 ID:dxFqE0qx [Del]


2 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-09-09 15:31 ID:PrI5zTGg [Del]

Don't. You say you have no family, eh? How ignorant is that. We're willing to be your family on here. You have something at least.

And instead of self-harming, it works better to bite down on things, at least for me.

You seem like you wouldn't detract to the world if you lived on, so do live on. It's fun here if you find just the right thing. There's more to life than people. Go out, wander around, and don't just see it from your eyes. Change the perspective to when you saw it for the first time. Everything looks so much more beautiful that way. Even though humans have ruined this Earth, there's still so much you can do here, so much potential. Any of the Dollars would tell you something like that. Killing yourself isn't a good option, open your mind beyond things on the surface that you can see without trying. Life is more beautiful without the things you only see on the surface, and if you need people, talk to us, 'le~?

3 Name: Yuno Gasai : 2015-09-09 16:44 ID:hPyvyC2E [Del]

>>1 I feel exactly the same. I need someone too. My situation is not very harsh compared to some, and I know it's selfish and all, but I don't know what to do. I want to draw. I want to write. I want to sing. I want to CREATE. You should try to look for something too. Maybe it'll help.

4 Name: Raku : 2015-09-09 20:35 ID:XpbQAoVs [Del]

Feeling suicidal? Email me ( and I can tell you about my story of suicide and how I got over it, maybe it will help you look at the world in a different way.

"Suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems"

5 Name: HFA : 2015-09-09 21:00 ID:Xrul/tPz [Del]

I'm pretty bad with words, but I am going to try, because I really want to help you. I hate seeing people feeling sad, and I know how painful depression can be. The people who have responded in your thread before me have provided great advice. Listen to what they said. It will help.
And as >>2 wrote, the Dollars is a family. There is something here for everyone, and anyone can find help here. I know that when I really needed some help, I came here. The people on this website are always caring and always willing to help. And we want to help you.
I'm going to try my best to explain how I helped myself when I had depression. I won't lie, it was hard, but you have to find a source of hope. And hope can be found in a lot of things-an inspirational song, or maybe just by observing nature. I found that observing nature around you helps relieve sadness.
You mentioned that you don't see meaning in life as all we do is for nothing. Some my disagree, but I believe that everything happens for a reason. Everything that occurs in the world, and every action someone does happens for a reason. And that reason may not be clear at first. But if you search for that reason, after some time passes you will find a reason for life. You will find a meaning to life, and your reason for being on this earth. There is a meaning, and a reason. Those reasons may be different for everyone, but in time, you will see the meaning of life.
I really hope you will be okay. Please know that there are people in the Dollars who care about you, and that those people are willing to listen to anything you need to talk about.
Please don't commit suicide. It really won't help you. Just stay strong, have hope, and remember that the world really isn't as bad as it may seem.

6 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-09-09 23:15 ID:PkSfTU2O [Del]

>>1 Suicide*

7 Name: toforeversigh : 2015-09-10 05:49 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

>>1 I've thought about suicide many times and to me there was always one reason that convinced me enough not to and that is how unpredictable the future is. I'm not saying to be optimistic or that it's guaranteed that things will get better but if you think about how little of our life we've actually experienced so far and how unimaginably different our future will be it just makes sense to stick around a while longer. There's only so much we can know about our futures and what will happen so in my opinion, it's no where near enough for us to be able to determine that living the rest of our life is pointless and won't make up for what's happening to us in the now. Well, maybe that's just my perspective on how things work, feel free to ignore me if you feel like it.

8 Name: nakura : 2015-09-10 10:27 ID:4NHASZM+ [Del]

suicide jajja are you scaping. Yes? maybe I can help you I'm a psychology student if is not too late reply this writing you want talk with me

9 Name: Thank u : 2015-09-10 15:01 ID:dxFqE0qx [Del]

thank u so much for making me stop im so happy people care about me thank so much may god reward u.

10 Name: HFA : 2015-09-10 15:06 ID:Xrul/tPz [Del]

I'm glad to hear that you are okay :)

11 Name: :/ : 2015-09-10 19:31 ID:KIDP40ZB [Del]

I can't be the only one that thinks this is bait, right?

12 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-09-11 06:16 ID:PkSfTU2O [Del]

>>11 No, you aren't

13 Name: イサオ : 2015-09-11 10:00 ID:4gfguBfh [Del]

It doesn't matter if you think if it is bait or not, there is always the possibility that it isn't, and maybe you might just push someone over the edge to commit suicide depending on your comment. You never know.

14 Name: babygirl666 : 2015-09-11 15:20 ID:2OCvU2hh [Del]

hey sorry i don't know u but that is not the answer if u need help talk to someone go find a stranger and fuck do something that will help fuck ur brains out just do anything but that

15 Name: N9akura : 2015-09-11 17:40 ID:bM/iu/yj [Del]

Talk to me
N9akura - Kik

16 Name: :/ : 2015-09-13 00:35 ID:KIDP40ZB [Del]

>>13 Eh, it's their life. If I wanted to kill myself I wouldn't beg on the internet for love. I'd kill myself. You can tell apart attention whores from the people who actually matter in this world. If he wants to kill himself, it's not up to me. He can do it or he can pass. He's being a dick on the internet. You think people who have legitimate depression enjoy seeing these types of people?

17 Name: :/ : 2015-09-13 00:37 ID:KIDP40ZB [Del]

And no, I do believe there is a 0% chance that this guy is depressed or suicidal.

18 Name: 142 : 2015-09-13 12:43 ID:eTqedYAo [Del]

The person who made this thread seems a little stupid.
>>17 you're right.

19 Name: cats : 2015-09-13 16:31 ID:BxRHI6cJ [Del]

What a troll.

20 Name: HFA : 2015-09-13 20:44 ID:B9zNIoBp [Del]

>>12, >>16, >>18

Why am I replying to this? I honestly have no idea. But the three of you are, well, being kind of rude. I mean, you have the right to have your own opinion, and I have the right to have my own opinion, but some opinions just shouldn't be shared.
This is a website. You can't see who is writing what, or who they are, or if they are lying or if they are telling the truth. You have no idea. The creator of this thread may very well really be suffering, and you may have just made their suffering worse. Or perhaps you are right, and it's all a lie.
Personally, I don't think it's a lie. And I treat everyone asking for help on this website respectfully. I treat every person asking for help like they are telling the truth, because 1) they probably are, and 2) you never know.
So basically I'm saying that you don't know if they are telling the truth or not. Therefore, you should have respect and treat them will kindness. And if you truly believe that the creator of this thread was not suicidal, you should have kept those comments to yourself. Because you don't know. Being depressed and suicidal is very painful, and being told that you are lying could make that pain worse.
Next time, please keep your comments to yourself and try not to call someone stupid or say that they are not actually depressed. You never know. The creator of this thread could have truly needed help.
Please don't get angry at me for sharing my opinion. I just wanted to let you all know that commenting in that way was wrong.


21 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-09-13 23:12 ID:PkSfTU2O [Del]

>>20 I just agreed with someone else, and just read >>1 one more time, read the name and so on, then think....

22 Name: HFA : 2015-09-14 14:42 ID:B9zNIoBp [Del]

I read it again. The whole thing. And I still think that there is a possibility that it is true. And you have no idea if it is or not, so it's better to just believe that it is real and offer advice. Or, if you don't think it's real, jus keep that to yourself, don't agree with anyone on the fact that it's a lie, and move on to a different thread.
It's just the right thing to do because you don't know for sure if the creator of a thread is telling the truth. It is possible that this person was just very desperate for help and wrote a quick thing on here to receive that help.
Or, it's possible that it's a lie and none of it was real.
But, in case it was real, it's better to assume that it is. Because you never know, you could have seriously hurt someone by agreeing with someone who thinks it wasn't true.
I'm sorry, I just really try to help people if someone is asking for help, especially if it involves depression or suicide since I happen to know a lot about those things. I take everything seriously, because there is no way to know if something is true or not.
I just really think people shouldn't say someone isn't telling the truth, and if they think that, they should keep it to themselves.
Please reconsider your actions and avoid commenting again in that way.

23 Name: Sucide : 2015-09-14 15:59 ID:dxFqE0qx [Del]

I thank you all u have made me change im glad there are people out there like you and i will try to help other people like u have helped me and thank you for believing those who did i truly am grateful more then you know.THANK YOU.

24 Name: Death : 2015-09-14 18:38 ID:IEq3wHoK [Del]

I know I'm late but I think I understand you,I was all my life alone and looking my true love and when I losted it I was very depressed and then I was thinking about commit suicide but I thought that I can live for another reason apart the love and them I was happy to live for my games and for the anime that never gonna betray me

25 Name: Yuno Gasai : 2015-09-15 00:59 ID:ZMkzJlbS [Del]

>>1 Me too. Most of my family left me behind and went to America. My most treasured ones - my two brothers, my father, and all the rest. My only family is me and my mother - I hate my stepfather. He sweet talks mom into doing things for him. He doesn't even love her, and yet here I have myself a little half-brother. I don't love him. Why? I don't know. I really don't know. I want to love. I want to be loved. But I'm not.


26 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-09-15 02:00 ID:PkSfTU2O [Del]

>>23 Still haven't changed that typo yet?

27 Name: :/ : 2015-09-15 02:40 ID:KIDP40ZB [Del]

HFA, I get where you're coming from, and that this "could" be real. But all you need is basic human behavioral analysis skills to know that if you believe him, you're as stupid as he is. I'd like you to keep your comments to yourself too. I've not been suicidal, but I'm clinically depressed. The main reason I tell attention whores to get the fuck off of the internet is because when they use someone elses real problems for attention or bait. It pisses me off. Now I do believe you once said, "Keep your comments to yourself." I would appreciate it if you would do the same. You can't tell someone to keep opinions to themselves without being hypocritical. Personally, though I don't believe intelligence can be accurately quantified, I believe the creator of this thread has the I.Q. of a 10 year old. Which isn't bad if he is a 10 year old. You should think about taking a, "Behavioral Analysis for Dummies." class.

28 Name: HFA : 2015-09-15 20:53 ID:B9zNIoBp [Del]

Well...I knew I was going to get a little hate for standing up for doing the right thing...
But I will listen to you. Unless someone decides to get mad at me, this will be my last comment. I'm sorry. I have problems ignoring negative things.
Anyway...I do believe you implied that I am "stupid" in your comment. I approached this whole thing as nicely as possible. Implying that I am "stupid" was unnecessary. Forgive me if I misinterpreted your statement.
I also believe I mentioned that certain comments should not be shared. As in negative comments. My apologies if that was not clear. Basically I just meant that saying people are only looking for attention isn't nice. So you shouldn't say it, even if you think it is true, because it's not nice. You never know what is real and what isn't, especially on the internet. And I just wanted to prevent such comments from happening again. Therefore, I am not being hypocritical. I am replying in a positive manner, where as you aren't so much. The Dollars is a family. An online home. We shouldn't be negative towards each other.
And honestly, I am good at reading people. Both in person and just through words. I understand human behavior. I also know what depression and suicidal thoughts/actions feel like. But, no matter how good someone is at human behavioral analysis, no one can totally know the meaning of something through words on the internet. I don't know if it is real, and you don't know if it is fake. So we should just keep things positive on the chance that it is real.
All I wanted to do was give some advice in case it was real. I didn't realize that it would become such a problem.