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Peer Pressure (2)

1 Name: Anonymouse : 2015-09-05 23:40 ID:2dw1oBwR [Del]

I tend to go along with other people's opinions very easily and change my mind very easily. If there is some sort of issue, I will generally agree with whoever I'm closer to or whoever seems to have some higher position of authority. I somehow manage to believe that their reasoning is great and that they are correct. The problem is, sometimes these people say things that are either offensive or that I later regret agreeing with.
It's as if I automatically latch on to anything people say in the hopes of not having to disagree with them. I have tried to disagree with people, but that makes me feel even worse (I usually end up being a bit harsh about it).

I don't understand why I do / think like this. I am always very reserved about opinions because I think mine might completely change sometime, maybe even in the same hour.

Do you know any way for me to stop / tone this down?
Does anyone else act like this?
How do I disagree with people without being terrified of the possibility of them hating me later (honestly people I'm close to being mad at me makes me feel terrible as well)?

Am I overreacting?

Thanks for reading!

2 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-09-06 00:55 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

Well, I think you're like this because you've got an impressionable mindset and I think the best way to change that is by opening your eyes to new perspectives and actually thinking about how you feel about certain situations, things, and ideas.

I have no idea why you're scared about your opinion, but from what I'm reading, it looks like you just want to join the bandwagon. You want acceptance of some sort and in your mind you think by agreeing you'll be granted this.

But back to my top point, you really do need to open your mind to new perspectives and try to find your own perspective, because you can't live your whole life latching onto others opinions. Disagreeing with people isn't bad, people who can't look at disagreements as stimulating arguments are just close-minded and they're the ones overreacting in that situation, not you for disagreeing.

Hope this helped.