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Just asking... (7)

1 Name: who am i : 2015-09-04 22:08 ID:Igti7SHw [Del]

what do you think about religion? i mean your religion or religion you hate. and why?

btw im not an atheist -.-

2 Name: Sid : 2015-09-05 04:40 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

Ok I will bite.
I view religion more as a guide, not a set way if living. I do not claim to follow a single religion. I am mainly Christian, but I take in a bit of all the religions I have come across. Except Satanism, for I do not believe we are our own gods. (which is all I really know about it.) But I believe some of the pagan beliefs to Buddhist beliefs as well.

But I also believe no one religion is right, for each major religion has re-written holy books. Being re-writing some things will be biased, or worded, to favor the authors beliefs. So not all text is from the original document, but reworded with missing, and added, text. Religion has been used as a tool to calm, or control, the masses as well. So how can one religion be the true religion if it doesn't retain only the original scriptures or beliefs?

So I don't believe there is one true religion, but truth in all of them. Most religions have one strive to be a better person, yet different rules to do so.

I have not come across a single religion that I absolutely hate. Just a couple I won't practice, or have any beliefs in.

3 Name: jill : 2015-09-05 04:41 ID:EqLae2LB [Del]

I think religion is just an old history book. They tell us stories what might or might not happen in the past. The perspective of the person like in the bible. And how twisted and wrong is having a god. I don't understand why people need religion. Why can't they just believed on the goodness of the person? Why do people create non-existant being just to answer the uncomprehendable? And religions are the one who mostly create chaos.

4 Name: MinusOpus : 2015-09-05 06:03 ID:Sq3WQLCz [Del]

>>3 To answer your question of "Why do people create non-existant being just to answer the uncomprehendable?" I think it stems from the instinct to fear what we don't know. If we don't KNOW how 'everything' happens, it scares us. Whether believing a deity exists or turning to science for answers, humans fear what they don't understand.

Regarding my personal beliefs (more on topic) I'm a relatively liberal (true definition, not politically charged) Christian. I have my beliefs and whatnot, but fully understand they may be incorrect. I also believe everyone is entitled to their own beliefs in so much as I don't think one religion necessarily must disprove another to exist.

I also agree with jill above. For belief systems that preach peace and tolerance, religions in general seem to be the starting point for some incredible atrocities.

Religion + Ignorance + Arrogance is a BAD combination.

5 Name: mijumaru00 : 2015-09-06 15:02 ID:k2/uvmnh [Del]

I think we don't need religions anymore (in civilized countries) we have laws and science now.

6 Name: Charlatan : 2015-09-06 16:53 ID:WH++tKyM [Del]

I don't believe that there is one "God". To me, "God" is just something that people find comfort in when there's nothing else they can turn to. It's something inside of them that they use as explanation for the unknown in fear, as mentioned above, or something they use to guide them through hardships, that last bit of hope.
I cannot believe my own religion, (Christian Orthodox) as I have proof that half of those stories I was taught at school were just re-written tales that the ancient Slavic pagans told in these lands. I cannot trust people that killed those that thought out of the box, or those that manipulated the people way, way back into accepting Christianity by making up tales that seemed so similar to ours.
Personally, I believe in no higher being that's looking over us, and I don't hold close anything that I can call my "God". Though I enjoy reading about many religions around the world. Hey, I don't believe it's all real, but it is a nice piece of fiction, at least.

7 Name: gagiru : 2015-09-06 22:28 ID:QTSjigmp [Del]

I don't actually hate any religion. I'm more about hating the people who do bad things in the name of their faith, or the extremists. Tbh, all in all I'd rather have a world without any religion at all. Wouldn't be perfect, but it'd probably be... less bad I guess.