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I don't know what to do anymore (11)

1 Name: ShiShiri : 2015-08-31 13:33 ID:hbRjVeOi [Del]

Really and honestly....someone I love just broke up with me...And he tells me not to cry, and he still loves me and wants o me with me. Yet why the heck did he break up with in the first place? I'm so tired of this...It's been going on for about 3 months. I love him..I don't want to leave him but im hurting so much. I've shed so many tears and all he can say is "Stop being so depressed." Well what the heck am I suppose to do?!

2 Name: ShiShiri : 2015-08-31 13:36 ID:hbRjVeOi [Del]

It's gotten to the point where I want to kill myself.... Just please me...

3 Name: Eucharistia : 2015-08-31 13:40 ID:a5AofRHS [Del]

love can be troubling but keep your head up life is too short to shed tears, you are amazing, try to talk to him and see why they are breaking up with you, if they still love you then there must be a reason and u both can get thru it im sure! and don't harm yourself, your life is too precious :)

4 Name: lis : 2015-08-31 14:43 ID:/+lNc4pO [Del]

It sounds like your love isn't being reciprocated.. From an outsiders point of view you didn't mean as much to him as he did to you. You cant deny your love for him, and I know you'll be hurting for a while. But you need to push through and try to distract yourself with friends and find other outlets. You'll always carry this with you but it will lessen over time, I promise. He obviously didn't deserve or appreciate you, especially if he doesn't give you a reason.

5 Name: Panther !/Ube37sWcw : 2015-08-31 20:47 ID:ILAufLwE [Del]

The fact that he told you to "stop being so depressed" is so, so insensitive. Break-ups are rough even if there's no fight involved. Someone who was once a big part of your life is now trying to stop being as involved- or even involved at all.

Talk to him about it. If you're too afraid to talk to him about it or if he refuses to talk to you about it, talk to a friend you trust who you know will show you some sympathy.

If you'd prefer to talk to a stranger, I check the email a few times a week if you'd like to talk or vent.

I hope you can start feeling better soon. September is a new month! I hope you can leave behind your sadness with August!

6 Name: RandomDude : 2015-09-01 18:50 ID:mrdJ/r+E [Del]

Bitch plz

7 Name: Hiroki : 2015-09-01 18:59 ID:svyGlaV7 [Del]

Leave him and go on, that's useless to cry after him.

8 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2015-09-01 19:20 ID:bBKuvwRB [Del]

I've been through a similar break up. I dated my ex boyfriend for nearly 7 months and he decided that he didn't want to be in a relationship. He said he still loved me and cared about me. He still does now too. I cried about it. It was my first break up. It hurt a lot. But I am glad to still have him in my life.

Break ups are always hard. It will take some time to get over it. And maybe you never completely will. That's okay. Things will get better. But for now, cry. Don't hold it in. Talk to him about how you feel. Try to stay friends with him. It's hard, I know. But it will be okay. And hey, you might find somebody who you will love even more! I know I did. Break ups don't have to be a bad thing.

9 Name: Lyla : 2015-09-01 19:59 ID:QxYZhJMk [Del]

I understand that you love him and all, and I'm certain he feels the same for you. However, a relationship is a very serious thing, so sometimes a breakup is actually a reasonable choice. And I'm not saying that he broke up with you because there's something wrong with you- but like I said, being in a relationship is a very serious matter that will affect a person very much in the future.
I'm still pretty young, and I've already had four boyfriends- all of which where we either decided to end it mutually, or I've broken up with them. The reason I've gone through this many relationships is because, it's inevitable that I will have a crush on someone and if I'm lucky, then become a couple with them. But there's going to be a point where either gf or bg, will think, "I love him/her, but is this the kind of person I should be with?". It sounds complicated and vague, but trust me when I say this-You may have loved him, but you have yet to be IN love (cheesy, I know, but sometimes it's true).
And even tho this breakup if hard on you, just remember- if it ended like this, it just wasn't meant to be (again..cheesy but true). And I'm sure that because of this breakup, you may be able to find your one and only, even it does mean going through breakups several times.

10 Name: 513 : 2015-09-07 16:13 ID:eTqedYAo [Del]

You want to kill yourself? Because you broke up with someone? Well that's stupid

11 Name: Sid : 2015-09-07 16:26 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

By the sound of it that is a volatile relationship. It is hard for any breakup, but not to the point of severe depression. A good relationship would be both parties benefit one another, not just solely depend on the other. Basically saying that you help each other out, not need the other.

Also if this dude doesn't realize why you are depressed then I am going to say you two weren't meant for each other. He brushes of your severe depression with just get over it. Don't waste your time with trying to think of him as a lover, but a friend. If that isn't possible then it would probably be the best to go your separate ways.

Despite everything else at least you gained some knowledge, or experience, from this whole fiasco.