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Dont know if its really anxiety or ocd or im just stupid (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-29 17:17 ID:17o52R8x [Del]

I find myself crying again about stupid things. I have always asked myself why do I worry so much over things that havent happened yet, over thing that I dont know if will ever happen or things Im not supposed to care about. I worry about what people who dont give a damn over me think and what might happen to them or what would people who dont like me say or do about me. I investigated and Im afraid its something called Anxiety, or I dont know if its always called Social Anxiety or what. I feel horrible. I have been feeling this way since like 3 years ago. I tried talking to my mom about stuff I overthink and she gives me a “youre crazy” look and I told her about the anxiety and she says that thats not true and she insists in that those persons dont care about me, and its actually true and I feel so lost and I regret telling her that. She also said I sound as a obsessive/jealous person, and i dont know what to do… any comments? I feel awful

2 Name: Nox : 2015-08-29 18:19 ID:HLfKQyH9 [Del]

i don't have a degree or anything but i do have a basic college formation in psychopathology so i'll try my best to gave you some kind of answer. You don't have OCD, Anxiety however is fairly common and should not be taken lightly before it gets even more overwhelming than it is. you really should consult if you want to improve you quality of life. Are you still in school? if you are well conselling should be free. well its not helpful as i would like it to be but you're not stupid please don't diminish yourself.

Lots of love

3 Name: lis : 2015-08-29 21:40 ID:/+lNc4pO [Del]

I can definitely relate.. I do believe you might have anxiety. I also have anxiety and I find myself crying over the simplest of things, along with being paranoid about a lot of things that aren't true. The crying part might be a part of your personality. I've been to counselling and talked about it and he just said I have a very sensitive personality. Remember that caring a lot isn't a bad thing. That's where I went wrong because I thought I "cared too much" and people around me didn't care enough.I ended up seeing myself as stupid, disgusting even. When caring for others is a necessity. life might be a bit harder because you have a soft heart, but it makes you stronger and wiser, being able to endure ridicule, most of it being your own. I would suggest taking a step back and looking at everything. If you're worried about friends or others not really caring I would try to distance yourself from them some. That doesn't mean your worries will stop, but when the loving few people ask about you and make it known that they care, it will be worth it. Hope this helped some. Remember that your anxiety does not define you. You are not your anxiety.

4 Name: イサオ : 2015-08-29 23:01 ID:Fm4fdxyg [Del]

Anxiety over things that you really don't need to be anxious about. Yes you probably can't help it, but it's okay. What they think or do about you doesn't really matter, they shouldn't define you, what they think about you doesn't change who you are. Stand up for yourself you don't need them to define you, if not I'll stand up for you. Your mom might get mistaken for jealous and obsessiveness because you are anxious over what other people might do with said events, not including yourself. I believe that isn't so much jealously just that you don't want to be alone. So yeap, you are welcome to talk to me anytime.

I feel like this goes deeper than just simple anxiety over what you think people think and do, and more like it's because you care so much yet they don't seem to care. Don't worry though, it's okay to care so much, I don't think you should feel disgusting or horrible for it infact you should be applauded for it. These days hardly anyone even cares and THAT is disgusting to me.

5 Name: god777666 : 2015-08-30 10:17 ID:450Bx7SK [Del]

probably stupid

6 Name: kyo : 2015-08-30 13:23 ID:eTqedYAo [Del]

>>5 probably not more than you.