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I hate normal life and you? (11)

1 Name: akisa_kuro : 2015-08-29 14:31 ID:SlPUX8sk [Del]

I hate normal life and you?
Normal life for me is prison. Just as Mikado, I would have done everything to destroy the system. Do you also feel the same way?
I'd done a lot neshta to feel alive. You to where you stand?

2 Name: Prince K : 2015-08-29 17:06 ID:o/7XZDC7 [Del]

"The only way to truly escape the mundane is for you to constantly be evolving. Whether you choose to aim high, or aim low. Enjoy each day for what it is."~Izaya Orihara

3 Name: julia : 2015-08-29 19:55 ID:f9hmQoUO [Del]

i kinda feel the same way, like im just floating around waiting for something exciting to kinda scares me a bit that time is passing by and ill look back and realize that im stuck in the same point ive been all my life (makes sense? sorry, english is not my first language)

4 Name: イサオ : 2015-08-29 21:19 ID:Fm4fdxyg [Del]

Haha, kind of like why do humans have to work so hard just to "exist"? I do say though, yeah normal life is quite repetitive and boring.

>>3 Yeah, people start to think of what their "purpose" in life is, I mean in the end what happened? It's like eh I'll be forgotten in like 100 years or so, thats why I guess lots of people want to become famous and renown since they don't want to be forgotten, as for me IDK I'm just sticking with my "religion" which I don't believe to be a religion lol if that makes any sense to you.

5 Name: hazel : 2015-08-29 21:28 ID:/+lNc4pO [Del]

An existential crisis is a moment at which an individual questions the very foundations of their life: whether their life has any meaning, purpose, or value. <-- usually what I find myself having, I feel like this might be what some of you are talking about.

6 Name: bri : 2015-08-30 00:00 ID:Nf7V7sHV [Del]

I feel the same but my parents say my life is unusual cause they work a lot but it pretty normal I just wanna have a life that's exciting and unusual

7 Name: chika : 2015-08-30 01:07 ID:hhG5QHGD [Del]

Define 'normal' ._. Are you talking about an uneventful life? We've got a lot of disasters and problems in the world that need fixing. Involve yourself in some of them, and maybe a 'normal' life won't be all that normal anymore. You might even wish to have your 'normal' life back after getting involved in some inescapable trouble. Speaking from experience. If you want to be known for something (either good or bad), or just want an uneventful, abnormal life, go involve yourself in something instead of questioning yourself. I'm not trying to sound mean or anything here though, please take note. I'm just giving a prompt...sorry if what I wrote sounded a little...too over the top. ^^" And don't ask what I got myself into...I was once like you too, wanting to break out of the cycle of normalcy.

8 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-30 07:36 ID:FlsxuoZM [Del]


9 Name: Carth : 2015-09-01 23:18 ID:p8YUkLZl [Del]

The best I can do is recommend that you get extremely good at something non-trivial (something trivial being twirling a pen between your fingers). Essentially, if you want life to be interesting or abnormal, you need to be able to do interesting or abnormal things. If you can only do normal things, you'll only make normal situations for yourself. Even if you get dropped into a situation that is interesting, how would you possibly hope to keep up?

If you can only do normal things, you'll almost definitely only have normal friends. NSA agents don't run in the same social circles as the cashier at McDonalds, and professional LoL players don't habitually queue with Bronze 5 players. If you can't make something interesting yourself, don't attract other interesting people, and can't keep up with an interesting situation, there's effectively a 0% chance that you'll find anything interesting.

I'd personally recommend math or computer science as good subjects to throw your effort into, primarily because of their utility. Getting really good at some popular MMO would also probably be a decent short-term fix, since games are designed to be fun. Unfortunately, becoming exceptional at something useful takes time, but it has an insane payoff.

10 Name: Iky : 2015-09-02 01:06 ID:zMel9jVL [Del]

Hmm, I guess I really "hate" life, but I do often find myself bored of things. That's usually when I start to find something new to do. Typically it always pertains to the saying, "Jack of all trades, master of none.". I find something I enjoy, get to a certain point of it to where I am good, but then I just kind of, quit and find something else. Once I get good at something, I tend to have less and less of an interest in it. I enjoy the challenges of something new and things possibly "unobtainable". So I delve in to them head first and go at them for weeks on end until they become second nature,lol... It seems to keep things interesting, for me at least. There are times where I don't have anything I am tackling though, and during those times is often when I'm the most bored :(

11 Name: Iky : 2015-09-02 01:07 ID:zMel9jVL [Del]

>>10 Heh, I meant *I don't really "hate"
.... gotta love little typo's...