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What do i eat? (9)

1 Name: Brighten : 2015-08-27 09:41 ID:yo1s9/Ez [Del]

My parents are away for the weekend and left me $50 for food. My parents do so much for me, so i want to spend as little of that money as possible, then return the rest. I'm not much of a cook, but i also don't want to eat fast food for 3 days.
> Advice on easy/ affordable meals?

2 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-08-27 17:21 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

So you might not want to eat sandwiches for three days, but sandwiches never hurt and they're easy to make. I guess you could buy a box of cereal, too. Either one could work if you have no problem with eating the same meal. Also, it depends on how many meals you eat per day. I usually eat two, so if you're the same eat cereal for breakfast and a sandwich(es) for dinner.

3 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-28 00:29 ID:mC6cyjsu [Del]

Instant noodles, instant soup, bread, microwave meat, in other words, cheap stuff

4 Name: jill : 2015-08-28 02:28 ID:EqLae2LB [Del]

Don't you have food in the fridge? You could try cooking, its much cheaper

5 Name: hazel : 2015-08-28 05:13 ID:/+lNc4pO [Del]

maybe some mac and cheese? easy to make. quick. cheap. Some salad stuff should be fine too. and any fridge leftovers.

6 Name: dano : 2015-08-28 11:10 ID:pBMwXuOT [Del]

ramen and a half a pound of lunch meat

7 Name: Panther !/Ube37sWcw : 2015-08-28 19:07 ID:zlCGIDuD [Del]

The food section has some great stuff! If you search for words like "cheap" or easy," you might turn up some recipes.

But yeah, sandwiches and cereal and milk are always easy. My favorite healthy snack is hummus with some sort of cracker or vegetable for dipping. You could buy some hummus at the supermarket if you don't have any, and there! The perfect snack!

Good luck staying home alone! I hope you can find something good to eat! :)

8 Name: Boyboy !hAhPOUu/jc : 2015-08-28 23:19 ID:DUUMqplJ [Del]

You eat 3 square meals a day. If you starve yourself in order to save your parents pocket change, they will feel as if they have failed as parents because their child hasn't gotten enough to eat and it's all their fault.

9 Name: Panther !/Ube37sWcw : 2015-08-31 21:04 ID:ILAufLwE [Del]

>>8 agreed