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House sucks (4)

1 Name: Panda : 2015-08-25 21:51 ID:S7apCUAj [Del]

My house has become a shit storm.
Some huge ass drama has started happening (long story short) CPS is trying to take my little cousin (age 7) away from her mom (let's call her C to keep things not so confusing) and give her to her father. However this caused a whole entire problem in the house hold because it was my other cousin (CO and my aunt that called CPS on her in the first place. And now people are picking sides on who the kid should be with (but that's not the issue surprisingly). The real issue is the fact that the kid is being thrown at me practically as in staying in my room hanging around me and living in my room. I came home to see my room a huge ass mess just because of all of this shit with the kid (and her little baby brother) like I'm not pleased with all of this and I just don't know what to do? I mean I am the youngest in this house hold (sibling wise) so no one really listens to my opinions but how can I deal with this kid? I don't like kids. At all. They're pretty annoying yet can be cool time to time so it depends on what they're doing, however it is difficult when I want alone time but every 5 seconds I have this kid thrown at me and she won't leave my room when I tell her to leave. Basically how do you deal with kids in general?
Please send help.
And a poptart.

2 Name: TIME HAD PASSED : 2015-08-25 22:56 ID:OyIdXtLn [Del]

Well i remember I had a little cousin before she very annoying and always mess up my room well when I was young i used to fight with her a lots but when I grow up I found out a way to deal with her without fighting so well I just ask her to leave but if she not listening I just gonna smack her. Oofs I mean warn her if next time she do it I will tell her mom. lol. Yep and if she being smack by her parents shame on her. HAHAHAHA!

3 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-26 21:03 ID:QTSjigmp [Del]

Oh man, I definitely relate to you here. My 3 cousins were taken from my aunt by CPS, and they had to live with us for about a year. They got into my space too. And I don't like kids either, but I feel like I have to be nice to them because they don't deserve someone hating them just because of their age. And I know that if you don't respect kids when they deserve it, then they definitely won't want to respect you either.

I guess since you're older than them, you should have some authority, right? Assert it, or find someone who can. If they don't have manners, try to teach them. Just don't be a flake about it.
When you want to be alone, you can try entertaining them with something else. Kids often get their mind stuck on random things. (I used to hide stuff around the house and make a checklist, and when I wanted to be left alone I would send them on a scavenger hunt. It's kinda dumb but it worked okay.) Try to make mundane tasks fun for them and they'll be occupied for at least a little while.

I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck, pal

4 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-27 00:59 ID:mC6cyjsu [Del]

Whats CPS?